It’s time for an eco friendly summer!
Everyone likes Summer! Exams are over and it’s the time to celebrate, enjoy surfing at the beach, get tanned, rock summer camps, visit your family members in village and so much more. Summer is full of fun!
One more thing that makes me long for summer is, India’s ‘King of Fruits’-Super yummy Alphonso Mango which is available only during this season.
I still remember my childhood, when there were only two channels on the TV with selected repetitive programs. We used to eagerly wait for the weekend as movies were telecasted only on the weekends.
Our overall lifestyle was pretty simple, low key and cost effective. Summer and Diwali vacation were the only exception when we got a chance to travel, eat ice cream, watch new movies in a theatre, eat outside food and do everything that we couldn’t in entire year. Those memories are still solid in my heart.
Thanks to our negligence which lead to Global Warming and serious climatic changes, summer is no longer what it used to be. Earlier it was pure fun and happiness, now it comes with harmful rays, sunburns, water shortage, electricity load shading and so much more.
So, how to save money, energy as well as environment this summer?
This summer, we can make things better with small-small things to lay a foundation of sustainable great green summer! So, let’s make this hot summer a lot cooler with these simple life hacks.
In This Article:
1. Stay Hydrated-Take A Green Sip
2. Keep Water For Birds
3. AC or No AC?
4. Get Advantage Of The Free AC
5. No More Vitamin D Supplements
6. Sunscreen-A BIG No-No
7. Wear Eco Friendly Clothing
8. Plant Some Useful Veggies
9. Open Up!
10. Ditch The Dryer
11. Make The Most Of Solar Energy
12. Unplug Electrical Appliances
13. Take A Zero Waste Bath
14. Ride A Bike (biycle) instead of a car
15 Quick Recap At Tips To Rock Your Summer Eco-Friendly Way
1. Stay Hydrated-Take A Green Sip

In summer, our body loses water more rapidly and you will need lot of fluids to stay hydrated.
Whether you are going out for work, school or one-day picnic, long and hot day will definitely make you feel thirsty again and again.
Instead of carrying water bottle and making your backpack heavy, buying a cold drink or mineral water bottle may look like a convenient option to you, but is it a good idea?
Are you going to waste your money on buying something as simple as water, leaving behind plastic bottle which will never get decomposed in your entire life? How stupid is that?
And what if you are travelling with your family? Just imagine how much unnecessary waste you would produce in a single day!
So, next time,
Save your money, save our planet.
Instead of stopping to buy a drink whenever you are thirsty, keep your reusable bottles with you. You can keep on refilling your bottles with tap water or juices while travelling.
But nowadays, many reusable stylish bottles with various materials are available in the market. Are they as good as they look or they are just damaging your health unknowingly?
Do you know which water bottle is safe and most convenient to use? Find out: Which Water Bottle Is Best For You?
2. Keep Water For Birds

You are not the only one who feels thirsty! With drought being declared in more and more places, thousands of birds and other species die every year during summer due to the shortage of water.
If you are staying in a city where you have a good water supply, you can save these poor guys with a simple act of care. Keep water for them in a bowl.
My dad has been keeping water for birds in our balcony every single day, since more than 20 years, and I am super proud of him. Entire credit for my love and sensitivity towards nature goes to him.
Keeping water for birds may seem like an easy task, but trust me, it isn’t! Please go through my personal experience with birds before starting anything haphazardly.
3. AC or No AC?

Air conditioners can provide instant relief from the heat and can make sweaty nights bearable, but be sensitive to its overuse as it can not only empty your pockets with heavy electricity bills, but also cause various health related issues.
In order to make us feel cooler, ACs suck up energy, ultimately leaving the planet a warmer place when the day is done. So, try to avoid it as much as you can.
There are so many super simple and cost-effective ways to keep yourself cool without an AC.
I personally prefer opening the windows and starting a fan to keep fresh air coming. It is a lot healthier and cost effective than AC.
Even while travelling in a car, I prefer rolling car windows down and getting some fresh air instead of reaching for the AC.
4. Get Advantage Of The Free AC

Thanks to the growing mall culture, you can get entertained and get some cool air in one place. If you are feeling bored and sweaty at home in the hot summer, instead of wasting electricity by putting your AC and TV on, just go out and visit your nearby mall where AC is pumping anyway.
No need to buy anything, just sit in the common area and observe kids playing, people walking in their own unique styles, attractive decorations etc. This way, you will learn lot of new things without wasting a single penny.
Now, for those people who can afford AC and heavy electricity bills easily, or those who think it is a very cheap idea and way below their standard to visit a mall just for the cool AC, let me do some brainwashing.
This concept is similar to carpooling in which, sharing a car with others is better than driving your own private vehicle to work every day.
It’s not about your standard; it is more about your social responsibility. Even though it may not seem like much, the long-term effects of these green practices are considerable.
Similarly, public spaces like shopping malls, libraries etc. cool many people down at one time, which is more beneficial for the environment than each of those individuals using their own ACs in their homes. I have stated my point, now the decision is yours!
5. No More Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D is very essential to our body. It helps to…
- Absorb calcium and promotes bone growth
- Prevent osteoporosis, heart disease and some types of cancer
- Keep eye problems at bay
Vitamin D Deficiency can cause:
- Poor immunity
- Fatigue or tiredness
- Bone / Muscle pain
- Depression
- Excessive hair loss
- Slow healing of wounds
And luckily, the most natural and easiest way to get vitamin D is by exposing your bare skin to the sunlight. Simple and cheap! Isn’t it?
Still, many people from various age groups depend on artificial Vitamin D Supplements.
In India, except for few cloudy days in rainy season, almost every single day is a nice bright sunny day.
Earlier, whenever I watched foreigners lying on the beach and soaking sunlight, I always used to wonder, why they are so hell bent on getting their white skin tanned while we were using fairness creams to get fairer!
I never really realized the value of sunlight until I moved to Netherlands with my husband. Few days went really well. But when winter came, we really missed the sight of fresh bright sunny day for months. Days were dull and cold. Our bones started paining. It was simply depressing.
But then the spring knocked our doors, and we were happy again. We were super ready to produce, soak and store as much Vitamin D as we can.
There are various factors that affect the natural production of vitamin D.
The amount of vitamin D you can produce in sunlight depends on:
Brighter the sun, more the vitamin D. So, it is obvious that you will produce more vitamin D in summer as compared to any other season.
Time of the day:
Intensity of sunlight is more during 10am – 4 pm. So, your skin can produce more vitamin D during this period.
If you live closer to the equator, the easier it is for you to produce vitamin D from sunlight throughout the year.Unfortunately, people from cold areas like Europe, Canada and America are not that lucky. Due to lack of sun exposure, they may become more vulnerable to Vitamin D deficiency.
The colour of your skin:
Our skin colour depends upon the Melanin-which protects the skin from harmful sunrays.More the melanin, darker the skin, the more it’s protected against skin cancer but the less able it is to absorb UV-B rays.
As per studies, pale/fair skins make vitamin D more quickly than darker skins. So, this could be just 15 minutes for a very fair skinned person, yet a couple of hours or more for a dark-skinned
The amount of skin you expose:
The more skin you expose, the more vitamin D your body will produce. If you over expose yourself to harsh sun, you may get sunstroke or even a skin cancer.
If you get less exposure, you will have vitamin D deficiency which can again lead to skin cancer. So, you have to get the right amount. Not too little, not too much.
How to boost your vitamin D levels without hurting yourself?
Let’s go through some FAQ’s:
How much is too much?
Well, you don’t have to be an expert to know this. Whenever your skin will start to feel like burning, you are about to enter in ‘too much’ zone.So, whenever it becomes too much to handle, it’s time to pack up and find a shade.
How to increase your tolerance for sunlight?
If you have a dark skin, you are naturally more tolerant to sunrays. Whereas, fair skin is more vulnerable to sunburns. So, if you want to increase your tolerance, you have to increase your Melanin.But you just can’t spend hours under the sun and get a good tan in one day. Your body needs time to adapt and it has to happen slowly without pushing too much. Only then you will be able to enjoy its benefits.
You can train your body by exposing it to the sun for 5-10 minutes on first day. Then you can slowly increase the time day by day. This will give you a good tan naturally and without any side effects.
Don’t wash it off!
According to popular health author Andreas Moriz, whenever you spend enough time under sun, vitamin D will get produced on your skin and it will remain there for 48 hours before getting absorbed by the body.So, if you take a soap bath, you will wash off all the produced vitamin D. Hence, it is advisable to use mild soap only for your armpits and genital area. Rest can be cleaned only with water.
How to increase the sun exposure in your daily routine?
Many people leave home early and travel for hours before reaching their workplace. By the time they come back, it’s already dark outside.After following a hectic work schedule throughout the week, they mostly spend their weekends by waking up late and relaxing at home only.One of my very good friends from India, was really fortunate to have his office just across the lane from his home. So, his daily encounter with sunlight was as less as 1-2 minutes.
As a result, he developed a vitamin D deficiency even after living in a region that has plenty of sunlight almost throughout the year. Hence, in such cases, it is advisable to utilise the weekends to go out and get enough sun exposure.
When I was in India, I preferred walking daily for almost 30 minutes to reach my office instead of catching an overcrowded bus from station. This way, I used to get enough daily dose of sun exposure and ultimately good amount of vitamin D.
What if you are too young or too old to go out?
Well, in that case, just massage some pure coconut oil on your body and sit in a balcony / terrace or any other open space where you can get sun exposure daily at morning.My grandpa used to do the same thing throughout his life. He was healthier and more energetic than us and died at the age of 96, which itself is a great achievement in India, especially in a crowded and polluted city like Mumbai.
In almost all the countries, men can remove their shirt, wear shorts and sit in open sunlight with ease. But it is not same case with the Women.
Although in many western countries, it is very common to wear a bikini or other short clothes, there are so many countries that have more conservative approach towards what women can wear, especially in public.
That’s why such women struggle more to get vitamin D and ultimately suffer from more issues related to its deficiency. In such cases, women can at least make use of their hands and face to get as much good sun exposure as they can.
Best thing about Vitamin D production is that, no matter which part of the body is exposed to the sun, the vitamin D produced from it will be used for entire body and not only for that part.
Can you get vitamin D while driving / sitting in a car or through glass window at home/office?
Most of the glass windows block the radiation that helps to produce vitamin D.However, sunlight streaming through a window can still expose the skin to harmful rays which tan and freckle the skin, as ordinary glass does not filter out UVA rays.
6. Sunscreen-A BIG No-No

With the ozone layer depletion by producing more and more harmful chemicals day by day, we have also opened our gates to higher Ultra Violet (UV) radiations reaching us, making the situation worst.
As a result, while the sun can give you a good tan, it can also burn your skin with harmful UV rays if you don’t take necessary precautions.
So, when it comes to walking under a harsh sun or enjoying surfing at a beach, almost everyone prefers using sunscreen without fail.
But, is it a right thing to do?
Chemical sunscreen is not good for your skin
Too much of sun exposure can cause skin cancer. But in many cases, people in some areas have skin cancer, which are not even exposed to the sunshine.
Sunscreen is one of the most preferred choices to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Many sunscreens contain harmful chemical preservatives which are carcinogenic (can cause cancer) in nature.
If you apply such sunscreens on your body and sit under a sun, it will be like baking chemicals on your own skin.
Human skin is highly absorbent and absorption of such chemicals into your skin can actually cause skin cancer than preventing it. Hence, such sunscreens are leading cause of the cancer.
They are not good for environment too
Chemical Sunscreens can not only harm your skin but also potentially play an important role in coral bleaching. Most of the sunscreens are often petroleum based, which are hard to biodegrade.
When chemicals in sunscreen come in contact with reefs, the coral becomes stressed, pushing out the algae living inside and leaving behind a vulnerable skeletal structure.
As coral reefs lose their biological inhabitants due to toxins, pollution and increased temperatures due to global warming, they also lose their pigments, becoming “bleached.”

Simple solutions to ditch sunscreens
Think before going out:
The sun’s UV rays are strongest between 10 am and 4 pm. Continuous exposure to these harmful rays can cause non-melanoma skin cancer.So, just avoid those hours when the sun’s rays are most intense, and you may not need to even apply a sunscreen!
Get covered!
While going for a walk or travelling under harsh sunlight, try to cover as much body as you can by wearing long-sleeved shirts and ankle-length pants to avoid direct exposure to the sun.You can even use the sun protection like good quality sunglasses, scarf, caps-hats and umbrellas that will shade your face, neck, ears and eyes.This way, you will no longer need to apply a sunscreen.
Interestingly, there is another theory to the use of goggles. According to popular health author Andreas Moriz, when we wear a goggle to block harmful UV rays, we are also stopping good UV rays from entering our eyes.
As all the things appear darker to the eyes when our goggles are on, our body thinks it is actually dark outside and doesn’t produce the hormone which is responsible for the production of melanin whose primary function is to protect the skin from sun damage. So, ultimately wearing a goggle can lead to major skin related issues.
Personally, I have almost never used a goggle as I prefer to see the world in ‘colourful’ mode rather than in dark ‘black-brown’ mode. But I do wear a cap every time I go out in order to cover my head and avoid direct sun exposure with my eyes.
If you have to use a sunscreen:
Well, just imagine yourself enjoying swimming or surfing at a beach with long-sleeved shirt and ankle-length pant, funny isn’t it? Looks like, covering yourself fully cannot be a good option every time.How would you show off your super-hot body without a trendy bikini or macho boxers? Well, then you might think about choosing a non-toxic sunscreen which will save your skin as well as our beautiful coral reefs.
Pure Coconut oil has a natural SPF of 4-5 and contains antioxidants that help protect the skin from harmful radiations. But avoiding too much of sun exposure is a must.
7. Wear Eco Friendly Clothing

Sometimes shops sell very funny stuff in the name of eco-friendly innovation. When I first heard about the solar bikini, my reaction was like,”what? They have not left even a bikini!”
Although it seems like a cool idea to use bikini with solar panels to charge small electronic devices while you are getting a good tan, I really doubt how comfortable it would be to use.
Also, rather than feeling sexy, it will make you look more like a futuristic character from a sci-fi movie.
I personally feel that finding an eco-friendly fabric is not that hard and you just don’t have to compromise your comfort and looks by going so far as wearing a solar bikini to make your summer more sustainable.
I don’t believe in complicating simple things unnecessarily. Why to run behind high tech fancy technology if we already have dozens of simple and better solutions in our hand?
- Choosing breathable fabrics like cotton can protect you from high temperatures due to its light and airy nature. It is readily available in various colours and styles which will solve your problem very easily and cost effectively.
- If you really want to try something new and unique, you can go for innovative fabrics made from banana stem, pineapple leaves etc.
- Dark colours absorb heat more as compared to light colours. Hence, try to use light / pastel colours which will help you stay cooler by reflecting the sunrays.
- Avoid synthetic fabrics like nylon and spandex as they don’t absorb the sweat and make you feel uncomfortable and itchy.
- Wear loose fitting clothes to allow clear air passage and prevent sweating.
8. Plant Some Useful Veggies

In the eastern countries like India, we have three seasons-Summer, Rainy and winter. Plenty of sunlight is available almost throughout the year which makes it easier to grow various types of vegetables, fruits and grains.
Whereas in Europe, Canada and USA, people experience four main seasons -Summer, fall, winter and spring.
Winter could be really harsh with snowfall, cold breeze and very limited day light, but spring and summer come with a great opportunity of planting all the useful vegetables and beneficial herbs in your balcony, terrace, garden or even in the kitchen.
For those, who can’t spare much time for the gardening due to hectic work schedule, latest eco-friendly innovations can come handy in making your vegetables grow without any hustle.
Before getting married, I have stayed in a chawl for 30 years with my parents and we have a very beautiful long common balcony. Although there are many other families, we are the only one to grow various plants in our balcony since years.
We are very fond of our green treasure containing many small plants like Holy basil, aloe vera, bamboo, money plant, cape periwinkle (Sadafuli), wheat grass, Mirabilis jalapa (Gulbakshi) etc.
These plants not only provide a visual treat to the eyes in this concrete jungle, but also give us a chance to fill our lungs with some fresh oxygen in the morning.
Whenever anyone finds it difficult to come to our house, we just tell them to find the house with all the plants in balcony and they never get confused / lost again.
Health benefits of wheatgrass juice and aloe vera are incredible. There are so many expensive products available in the market which provide wheatgrass powder and aloe vera juice.
This summer, just try growing wheatgrass in your house organically, and taste it. It will be far more healthier, tastier and cheaper than the packed one, and I promise, you will never go back to those powdered products again, at least in the summer.
9. Open Up!

Why waste electricity in your house or workplace, when all you need to do is open the blinds and you’ve got light!
No matter how much costly and decorative lighting system you have, beauty of the natural sunlight is way beyond comparison.
But you have to open these windows strategically.
10. Ditch The Dryer

Dryer can be really helpful in winter. But, it consumes lot of energy. Sometimes, it also affects overall texture and colour of the new clothes making them dull with every use.
Clothes coming out of dryer have lot of wrinkles and ironing them becomes necessary.
But we simply don’t need a dryer in Summer when we have plenty of sunlight to dry our clothes naturally.
Hence, I prefer skipping the dryer and hanging our clothes out to dry. If you have the space to do so, take advantage of it.
When I got shifted to Netherlands, which has very limited sunlight as compared to India, I learnt to dry my clothes quickly in any season without using a dryer.
11. Make The Most Of Solar Energy

Summertime is the perfect time to take advantage of all that sunshine to reduce your energy bills.
- Consider using solar lights at home / garden.
- You can also use solar charger to recharge your portable devices or get a solar backpack which could be used while travelling or when out for a day
- You can place solar panels on your roof to get more benefits.
12. Unplug Electrical Appliances

Do you know that electrical appliances still consume energy when plugged in, even if you switch them off? This includes TVs, microwaves, mixer-grinder, laptop and mobile chargers etc.
Unplugging them whenever not in use is a good idea, but it is not convenient for continuous use. You may even end up damaging your plug pins.
So, whenever you are going out on a long vacation, at least make it a habit to unplug all electrical appliances before leaving the house. It will save electricity and can prevent disasters like fires.
13. Take A Zero Waste Bath

Summer makes us sweaty and stinky. Although there are so many cool home remedies to prevent excessive sweating and body odour naturally rather than using costly perfumes and chemical deodorants, nothing could be more refreshing than taking a shower.
Hence, during summer, most of the people prefer bathing twice a day to stay fresh which makes sense too. But it ultimately results in more consumption / wastage of water as compared to any other season.
Although people from cities can take advantage of 24-hour water supply, I would appreciate if you can be little responsible towards serious water shortage problems in village areas where people have to walk for miles to find some potable water.
I am not asking you to stop taking a bath, but you can reduce the amount of wastage with few simple tips
Next time before taking a bath, just think about the people in drought affected areas, who have not taken a bath since weeks and are struggling daily to find potable water for their families.
14. Ride A Bicycle

Summers come with a lot of freshness and energy. It’s time for a vacation and road trips.
And while they’re super exciting and a great fun, you may actually end up spending lot of gas on road trips which can not only empty your pockets but also can be really hard on the environment.
Bikes (bicycle) are a great way to travel. They are eco-friendliest as they emit no gas or toxic pollutants.
In Amsterdam (Netherlands)- the bicycle capital of the world, government has done every possible thing to encourage people to use bikes like creating separate lane and free parking facilities for bikes, organizing city tours on bikes, encouraging visitors to hire bikes etc.
That’s why the cycling is so popular in Netherlands and even toddlers and elderly people use it as the easiest mode of transport. Every year, more than 40% of road trips are made by bicycle in Amsterdam.
Earlier, I used to think that bicycle is for poor and the car is for the rich. But now, I can proudly say that, the bicycle is for the fit, and car is for the fat!
Quick Recap At Tips To Rock Your Summer Eco-Friendly Way
- Help your chirpy friends by keeping water for birds
- Plant Some Useful Veggies
- Ditch the vitamin D supplements by producing vitamin D naturally in sunlight
Use DIY methods to…
- Keep your house cool without an AC
- Dry your clothes without a dryer
- Prevent excessive sweating and body odour naturally rather than using strong chemical based perfumes and deodorants
Go for a zero-waste lifestyle
- Instead of stopping to buy a drink whenever you are thirsty, carry reusable bottles with you to reduce waste.
- Take a zero waste bath to save water
- Reduce / stop using chemical sunscreens. Use pure coconut oil instead. Or opt for a reef-friendly sunscreen when traveling to sunny spots.
- Ride a bicycle instead of a car
Wear summer friendly clothing
- Go for natural, eco-friendly clothing materials
- Wear light coloured clothes as they reflect heat, whereas black / dark colours absorb more heat and make you sweaty
- Avoid synthetic fabrics as they don’t absorb the sweat and make you feel uncomfortable and itchy.
Save electricity
- Get Advantage of the free AC available at malls, libraries etc.
- Open your windows strategically to let some fresh air come in
- Make the most of solar energy by using various solar panel devices
- Unplug all electrical appliances before going out on a long vacation
Hope these tricks will make your summer a lot cooler and greener. Please comment and feel free to let me know if you have any new and innovative ideas for eco-friendly, zero waste summer. They would be a great addition to this article.
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