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170+ Best Bear Day Quotes, Puns & Sayings

    Best & Catchy Save Bear quotes, slogans, Instagram captions, proverbs, sayings, funny puns, jokes & one liners | World Bear Day

    There are hundreds of Quotes and slogans available on Bear online. I have shortlisted few good slogans, quotes, puns and proverbs to save your time and energy. Here they are!

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    Save Bears Slogans, Taglines & Instagram Captions | World Bear Day

    1. Save the Bears
    2. Too cute to die! Save the Bear
    3. Save this big ball of fur!
    4. Save these majestic creatures
    5. I need a big giant bear hug
    6. Save our fluffy friends!
    7. Protect and respect
    8. Let’s save bears
    9. Act before it vanishes forever
    10. I love bears, Do you?
    11. Let’s join hands to save bears
    12. Don’t let me disappear
    13. Together we can save bears
    14. Will your grandchildren see a live bear?
    15. Save bear, Save life… Save planet
    16. Live & let live
    17. Jungles and bears are made for each other.
    18. Without them, the world will not be the same. Save Bear
    19. Save the bears before they start living just in our stories.
    20. Nature is not against Bears, why are you?
    21. Once the bear is history, it won’t repeat itself…
    22. Don’t let the bears go missing from the planet. Save them.
    23. Furry Bears are deadly yet cute;
      let’s save them, never ever shoot
    24. Many bears look cuddly and cute;
      protect them without any dispute
    25. Bears have 6 toes;
      save them before their future blows
    26. Poor Bears are losing their habitat;
      Let’s save forests, don’t just chitchat
    27. Don’t kill the beauty of the jungle
    28. I am a treasure, not a trophy. Stop trophy hunting
    29. Your hobby kills a life. Stop trophy hunting
    30. Want to shoot bears?… Use cameras!
    31. Shoot them, but with a camera.
    32. Bears have a family too. Don’t kill them for your fun.
    33. My mom never came back. Say NO to Trophy hunting
    34. What is my crime?
    35. Keep calm & save the bear
    36. You can’t love nature with a gun

    1. Have a heart, do your part. Save the bear.
    2. Fight for the bear’s right
    3. Fur is not fair
    4. Save our furry friends
    5. Real people wear fake fur
    6. Fur is the Greed, not the Need
    7. Don’t wear your friends
    8. Make compassion, the fashion. Don’t use fur
    9. Cavemen wore fur. Have you evolved?
    10. You can live without fur. Bears can’t.
    11. Fur: Beautiful on bears, ugly on people
    12. Love Bears, don’t wear them
    13. Wear fake, for the bear’s sake
    14. When the buying of the fur stops, killings too
    15. Are your fancy jackets worth killing a bear?
    16. Fur is worn by beautiful bears and heartless people
    17. Wearing fur is not our need,
      Don’t kill bears for your greed
    18. Don’t get caught in the fashion trap,
      Wearing fur is absolutely crap
    19. Being ‘Extinct’ Stinks!
    20. Extinction is forever
    21. If bears are lost,
      we will pay the cost.
    22. The ones who have no voice, need you to speak up.
    23. Let’s unite as one,
      saving bears is just so fun
    24. Help save their existence,
      bears need your assistance
    25. For the bears you must fight,
      so they won’t disappear out of sight
    26. Bears are rapidly fading away;
      can’t we help them in some way?
    27. It’s no fun to be endanger;
      show you care, don’t be a stranger.
    28. Only if we understand… we can care;
      Only if we care…we will help;
      Only if we help… they shall be saved

    Save Black Bears / Grizzly Bear Conservation Quotes

    1. “The best way of being kind to bears is not to be very close to them.” — Margaret Atwood
    2. “Bears are a reminder that we need to respect and preserve the natural world.” ― Jane Goodall
    3. “The mountains have always been here, and in them, the bears.” — Rick Bass
    4. “Bears not only make the habitat rich, but they also enrich us just by being.” — Linda Jo Hunter
    5. “Bears need people. People need bears” – Pam Brown
    6. “Nothing is more important than saving … the Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Elephants, Froggies, Turtles, Apes, Raccoons, Beetles, Ants, Sharks, Bears, and, of course, the Squirrels. The humans? The planet does not need humans.” — James Lee
    7. “Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it alright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.” ― Henry David Thoreau
    8. “Are people more important than the grizzly bear? Only from the point of view of some people.” — Edward Abbey
    9. “The grizzly bears that live in and around Yellowstone make up almost half the population in the lower 48 states, and now those bears are at risk.” — Lydia Millet
    10. “Historically, grizzlies ranged from Alaska to Mexico, with at least 50,000 bears living in the western half of the contiguous United States. With European colonization, the bears were shot, poisoned, and trapped to the brink of extinction.” — Lydia Millet

    1. “And so in 1975, the grizzly bear was put on, as I said – on the endangered species list as threatened. And new measures were taken, for instance, bear-proofing garbage, creating new regulations to – essentially to try and keep people and people’s food away from the bears, let the bears adjust to eating the abundant wild food that’s available in Yellowstone and allow them to be more wild, to be independent of humans as sources of foods for the good of both sides. And that has been quite successful.” — David Quammen
    2. “Bears keep me humble. They help me to keep the world in perspective and to understand where I fit on the spectrum of life. We need to preserve the wilderness and its monarchs for ourselves, and for the dreams of children. We should fight for these things as if our life depended upon it, because it does.” — Wayne Lynch
    3. “Those who have packed far up into grizzly country know that the presence of even one grizzly on the land elevates the mountains, deepens the canyons, chills the winds, brightens the stars, darkens the forest, and quickens the pulse of all who enter it. They know that when a bear dies, something sacred in every living thing interconnected with that realm… also dies.” — John Murray
    4. “When all the dangerous cliffs are fenced off, all the trees that might fall on people are cut down, all of the insects that bite have been poisoned and all of the grizzlies are dead because they are occasionally dangerous, the wilderness will not be made safe. Rather, the safety will have destroyed the wilderness.” — R. Yorke Edwards
    5. “Bears are a key indicator of ecosystem health wherever they are found. As such, bears can be a key focus for ecosystem conservation.” — Christopher Servheen

    Funny & Family Friendly Puns & Jokes on Bear

    1. This is un-BEAR-able!
    2. Stop em-bear-rassing me!
    3. Is it paw-sibble?
    4. I can’t go fur that
    5. I love you beary (very) much!
    6. I like to walk Bear-foot
    7. Feeling Claw-strophobic
    8. What do you call a bear without any teeth?
      — A gummy bear
    9. What would bears be without bees?
      — Ears
    10. Why did the bear put honey under its pillow?
      — To get sweet dreams.
    11. How does a bear catches fish without a pole?
      — With bear hands
    12. What happens when a bear is in the rain for too long?
      — He becomes a drizzly bear
    13. Why don’t bears like fast food?
      — Because it’s hard to catch
    14. Why did teddy bear refuse to eat more?
      — He was already stuffed
    15. Why do bears have a hairy coat?
      — Fur protection
    16. What’s a bear’s favourite dessert?
      — Blue-beary pie
    17. What’s a bear’s favourite snack?
      — Bear-rito
    18. How do bears prefer to travel?
      — On a bear-o-plane
    19. Why don’t you find bears wearing shoes?
      — Because they love to go bear foot
    20. How does a bear stop a movie?
      — They hit the paws button
    21. What do you call a dream about a bear eating you?
      — Bite-mare
    22. How does a bear get from one place to another?
      — On a bear-o-plane
    23. What do you call a bear with no ears?
      — Anything you want. It can’t hear you.

    Popular Quotes on Bear

    1. “The bear is one of the most charismatic and powerful species on Earth.” ― Dave Salmoni
    2. “Bears are the protectors of wildness.” ― Jim Harrison
    3. “Oh well, bears will be bears.” ― Michael Bond
    4. “Bears are masters of survival.” — Catherine Lukas
    5. “Clever bears think of everything.” — Randal Case
    6. “Bears are very nice, as long as you are nice to them.” — Karl Lagerfeld
    7. “Bears are a reminder of the wildness that still exists in our world.” ― Steve Backshall
    8. “The grizzly is a symbol of freedom and understanding” — Frank Craighead
    9. “Bears are both feared and revered for their strength and presence.” ― David Attenborough
    10. “Always respect Mother Nature. Especially when she weighs 400 pounds and is guarding her baby.” — James Rollins
    11. “Bears are well-known and have a positive image for much of the public.” — Christopher Servheen
    12. “Bears are fascinating creatures. They are both powerful and gentle at the same time.” ― John Muir
    13. “The bear, he says, is many animals in one. Like a lion, he downs mammals much bigger than he; like any ruminant, he pillages crops; he steals grapes and fruit like a monkey; nibbles on berries like a blackbird; plunders anthills and beehives like a woodpecker; digs up tubers and larvae like a pig; and catches fish with the dexterity of an otter. And he eats honey like a man.” ― Paolo Rumiz
    14. “Bears are symbols of strength, courage, and tenacity.” ― Jack Hanna
    15. “When you are where wild bears live you learn to pay attention to the rhythm of the land and yourself.” — Linda Jo Hunter

    1. “Bears make many noises, including grunting, blowing, woofing, and growling. Cubs whine or cry when they are upset or ‘chuckle’ when they are happy.” — Catherine Lukas
    2. “While bears don’t live in established groups or obey rigid hierarchies as chimps and wolves do, they have amazingly complex social relationships.” ― Benjamin Kilham
    3. “All bears have thick fur and large heads with small eyes and small, round ears. Bears can walk upright, like people, on two big feet.” — Therese M. Shea
    4. “Bears look like they might be slow because they have short legs and large feet. However, some kinds can move very quickly!” — Therese M. Shea
    5. “We read our children stories starring elephants and monkeys and bears to teach them about nobility, curiosity and courage, to warn them against selfishness and stubbornness.” — Lydia Millet
    6. “In Vancouver, you have to lock your doors – not for strangers, but for bears.” — Sarah Goldberg
    7. “If some of our teenage thrill seekers really want to go out and get a thrill, let them go up into the Northwest and tangle with the Grizzly Bear, the Polar Bear, and the Brown Bear. They will get their kicks, and it will cleanse their souls.” — Fred Bear
    8. “Aggression in bears can be and often is a stepping stone to friendship. Friendship and alliances frequently develop by repeated interactions, with initial aggression that lessens over time.” ― Benjamin Kilham
    9. “Haven’t you ever thought of living unconsciously like bears, sniffing the earth, close to pears and the mossy dark, far from human voices and fire?” — Nâzım Hikmet

    Famous Quotes on Bear Attack

    1. “Bears have been known to attack man, although the fact is that fewer people have been killed by bears than in all of World World I and World War II combined.” — Peter Gaulke
    2. “All of the authoritative books on bears seem to agree on one thing: if you’re close enough to a bear to cause it to change its activity pattern, you’re too close, and in possible danger.” ― Dennis R. Blanchard
    3. “I’ve seen a few wild grizzly bears, mostly in Alaska and British Columbia, and always from a distance. But each grizzly I’ve caught sight of was as fearsome and sublime as the last. You never get used to their raw power and massive bodies, or the mysterious intelligence in their dark, close-set eyes.” — Lydia Millet
    4. “You can hike into the Yellowstone backcountry. You can camp in the Yellowstone backcountry. You can take food into the Yellowstone backcountry, and you’re surrounded by grizzly bears. And it’s – it’s a very, very thrilling, peculiar situation. Every sound that you hear in the night, you wonder is this a grizzly bear coming to tear into my tent?” — David Quammen
    5. “In 1805, the explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, making their way across the West, were warned by American Indian tribes of grizzly bears’ awesome strength.” — Lydia Millet
    6. “Be cautious of bears at all times, even when being mauled by a tiger.” ― Craig Benzine

    Top Quotes on Bears & Their Human Connection

    1. “The gypsies believe the bear to be a brother to man because he has the same body beneath his hide, because he drinks beer, because he enjoys music and because he likes to dance.” ― Ernest Hemingway
    2. “Bears are extremely human, even down to their footprints. But I am also a fly fisherman, so I have fished beside brown bears in Alaska and was once charged by a black bear. I love bears.” — Joseph Monninger
    3. “Bears are sort like people. They sit and stand, like people do. They use their paws like hands. Bears eat vegetables, meats and sweets.” — Diana Star Helmer
    4. “Bears with their great size and strength, remind us of how weak and ineffectual we are as organisms: a bear, even a small one, could abolish a human fairly easily.” — Charles Fergus
    5. “Bears remind us of ourselves. They walk on the flats of their feet, as people do.” — Charles Fergus
    6. “Bears are not companions of men, but children of God.” — Charles Muir
    7. “Black bears are much more adaptable, and willing and able to live in a much closer proximity to people.” — Linda Masterson
    8. “Black bears can survive–and even thrive–on the fringes of civilization, or sometimes right in the midst of it.” — Linda Masterson
    9. “Once a bear has been loved by a human being, its expression is forever marked.” — Jama Kim Rattigan

    Hibernation Quotes

    1. “Bears typically hibernate through the winter, so late autumn is crucial in terms of their survival.” — Geoffrey Luck
    2. “The extra fat feeds the bears during winter and helps keep them warm. As cold weather approaches, bears stop eating and grow tired and sleepy.” — Catherine Lukas
    3. “One year of life is worth more than twenty years of hibernation.” — Anthony de Mello

    Funny Quotes on Bear

    1. “If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear, / You must never, never, never ask him where / He is going, / Or what he is doing; / For if you ever, ever dare / To stop a grizzly bear, / You will never meet another grizzly bear.” — Mary Hunter Austin
    2. “Having women work with men is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon . . . dipped in honey.” — atrice O’Neal
    3. “I once asked my father for a dollar for the school picnic. He told me how he once killed a grizzly bear with his loose-leaf notebook.” — Bill Cosby
    4. “Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what is waiting for you at home.” I snapped the phone shut and placed it in her waiting hand. “I’m done.” — Stephenie Meyer
    5. “Bears rose to the top of the food chain solely so they could dedicate half their lives to sleep. It’s the world’s most intimidating power nap.” ― James Breakwel
    6. “It is estimated that bears kill over two million salmon a year. Attacks by salmon on bears are much more rare.” — Peter Gaulke
    7. “Most animals show themselves sparingly. The grizzly bear is six to eight hundred pounds of smugness. It has no need to hide. If it were a person, it would laugh loudly in quiet restaurants, boastfully wear the wrong clothes for special occasions, and probably play hockey.” — Craig Childs
    8. “He admired bears because everyone was afraid to disturb them while they slept and fish were so in love with bears that they jumper right into their mouths.” ― Robb Todd
    9. “I look like a bear, I talk like a bear but I can’t fish, I can’t climb a tree, I can’t even go in the woods!” — Steve Be

    Traditional Proverbs & Sayings on Bear

    1. “Never tickle the nose of a sleeping bear.” — German Proverb
    2. “Do not wake up the sleeping bear.” — Swedish Proverb
    3. “If you run from a wolf, you may run into a bear.” — Lithuanian Proverb
    4. “The bearskin does not bite.” — Swedish Proverb
    5. “It’s no good to prick the bear with a needle.” — Swedish Proverb
    6. “Shoot the bear before you skin it.” — Swedish Proverb
    7. “Who eats like a wolf will work like a bear.” — Estonian Proverb
    8. “A bear that dances in your neighbour’s house might soon dance in yours.” — Macedonian Proverb
    9. “Two bears in one cave will not end up well.” — Mongolian Proverb
    10. “Everyone knows the bear, but the bear knows no one.” — Finnish Proverb
    11. “The farmer grows the corn, but the bear eats it.” — Nepalese Proverb
    12. “Call the bear uncle till you are safe across the bridge.” — Romanian Proverb
    13. “A field in common is always ravaged by bears.” — Russian Proverb
    14. “When a pine needle falls in the forest, the eagle sees it; the deer hears it, and the bear smells it.” — Traditional Proverb
    15. “With time even a bear can learn to dance.” — Yiddish Proverb
    16. “Only chained bears dance.” — Russian Proverb
    17. “The bear dances but the tamer collects the money.” — Russian Proverb
    18. “Bulls make money and bears make money, but hogs just get slaughtered.” — American Proverb

    List of Bear Related Days Celebrated Worldwide

    27 FebruaryInternational Polar Bear Day
    First Saturday in JuneNational Black Bear Day
    10 JuneTeddy Bear Picnic Day
    September – Full MonthBear Necessities Month
    9 SeptemberTeddy Bear Day
    Second Wednesday of OctoberNational Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day
    First full week of NovemberPolar Bear Week
    7 NovemberNational Hug a Bear Day
    14 NovemberNational American Teddy Bear Day
    16 NovemberHave a Party with Your Bear Day


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