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161+ Catchy Tiger Day Quotes, Puns & Sayings

    Best & Catchy Save Tigers quotes, slogans, Instagram captions, proverbs, sayings, funny puns, jokes & one liners | International Tiger Day

    There are hundreds of Quotes and slogans available on Tiger online. I have shortlisted few good slogans, quotes, puns and proverbs to save your time and energy. Here they are!

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    Save Tigers Slogans, Taglines & Instagram Captions | International Tiger Day

    1. Buy fake fur, save a tiger
    2. Save our Tigers, Save our Pride
    3. Save our striped friends
    4. Act before it vanishes forever
    5. Save them while you can
    6. Save these majestic creatures
    7. Don’t strip the stripes from the scenery, Save the Tiger
    8. If we save the tiger, the tiger will save the tigress
    9. Will your grandchildren see a live tiger?
    10. Cause an uproar to save the tigers!
    11. There are only 3,890 tigers left in the world. Save Tigers
    12. Save Our Stripes
    13. Protect and respect
    14. Let’s save tigers
    15. I love tigers, Do you?
    16. Let’s join hands to save tigers
    17. Don’t let me disappear
    18. Together we can save tigers
    19. Save tiger, Save life… Save planet
    20. Live & let live
    21. Jungles and tigers are made for each other.
    22. Without them, the world will not be the same. Save Tigers
    23. Save the tigers before they start living just in our stories.
    24. Nature is not against Tigers, why are you?
    25. Once the tiger is history, it won’t repeat itself…
    26. We could not save Dinosaurs,
      but we can always save tigers.
    27. Look at the tigers mighty and strong,
      killing them for their fur is very very wrong
    28. Tigers are one of a kind,
      save them or you will be fined
    29. Don’t be so mean,
      stop killing tigers for bones and skin
    30. Save the Tiger

    1. Don’t kill the beauty of the jungle
    2. I am a treasure, not a trophy. Stop trophy hunting
    3. Your hobby kills a life. Stop trophy hunting
    4. Want to shoot tigers?… Use cameras!
    5. Shoot them, but with a camera
    6. Tigers have a family too. Don’t kill them for your fun
    7. My mom never came back. Say NO to Trophy hunting
    8. What is my crime?
    9. Keep calm & save the tiger
    10. You can’t love nature with a gun.
    11. Have a heart, do your part. Save the tiger.
    12. Fight for the tiger’s right
    13. Fur is not fair
    14. Save our furry friends
    15. Real people wear fake fur
    16. Fur is the Greed, not the Need
    17. Don’t wear your friends
    18. Make compassion, the fashion. Don’t use fur
    19. Cavemen wore fur. Have you evolved?
    20. You can live without fur. Tigers can’t

    1. Fur: Beautiful on tigers, ugly on people
    2. Love Tigers, don’t wear them
    3. Wear fake, for the tiger’s sake
    4. When the buying of the fur stops, killings too
    5. Are your fancy jackets worth killing a tiger?
    6. Fur is worn by beautiful tigers and heartless people
    7. Wearing fur is not our need,
      Don’t kill tigers for your greed
    8. Don’t get caught in the fashion trap,
      Wearing fur is absolutely crap
    9. Being ‘Extinct’ Stinks!
    10. Extinction is forever
    11. If tigers are lost, we will pay the cost.
    12. The ones who have no voice, need you to speak up.
    13. Let’s unite as one,
      saving tigers is just so fun
    14. Help save their existence,
      tigers need your assistance
    15. For the tigers you must fight,
      so they won’t disappear out of sight
    16. Tigers are rapidly fading away;
      can’t we help them in some way?
    17. It’s no fun to be endanger;
      show you care, don’t be a stranger.
    18. Only if we understand… we can care;
      Only if we care…we will help;
      Only if we help… they shall be saved

    Save Tigers / Tiger Conservation Quotes

    1. “We must protect tigers from extinction. Our planet’s future depends on it.” — Michelle Yeoh
    2. “Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it alright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.” ― Henry David Thoreau
    3. “Nothing is more important than saving … the Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Elephants, Froggies, Turtles, Apes, Raccoons, Beetles, Ants, Sharks, Bears, and, of course, the Squirrels. The humans? The planet does not need humans.” — James Lee
    4. “China is responsible for a lot of the major conservation issues we’re facing. It’s the main market for rhino horn. Tigers are being killed for tiger bone wine. They’re driving the tropical timber trade and illegal logging in Indonesia, and the trade in tropical reef fish.” — Mark Carwardine
    5. “Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.” — James Anthony Froude
    6. “When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity.” — George Bernard Shaw
    7. “The tiger is a bellwether—one of the thousands of similarly vulnerable species, which are, at once, casualties of our success and symbols of our failure.” — John Vaillant
    8. “The Tiger in many countries, particularly India, represents the apex of the animal pyramid and the protection of their habitat should be a worldwide priority.” — Dr. Karan Singh

    1. “The passenger pigeon, the golden toad, the Caspian tiger—they are all gone, and other species hang by a thread. Our actions are not merely driving other species to extinction: we threaten our own survival, too, by destabilizing ecosystems and destroying biodiversity.” — Owen Jones
    2. “As humans, we are fortunate to fight to secure so many rights: men’s rights, women’s rights, freedom of speech. But animals like tigers are losing their right to live. It is time we all support their most fundamental right – the right to exist!” — Gyalwa Dokhampa
    3. “Doubling tigers is about tigers, about the whole of nature – and it’s also about us” — Marco Lambertini
    4. “Tiger is a large-hearted gentleman with boundless courage and that when he is exterminated—as exterminated he will be unless public opinion rallies to his support—India will be the poorer, having lost the finest of her fauna.” ― Jim Corbett, Man-eaters of Kumaon
    5. “You can take a tiger out of the jungle, but the jungle never leaves the tiger!” — Bill Watterson
    6. “There’s no point bleating about the future of pandas, polar bears and tigers when we’re not addressing the one single factor putting more pressure on the eco system than any other – namely the ever-increasing population.” — Chris Packham
    7. “In the year 2007, seals, otters, lions, turtles, frogs, apes, snakes, butterflies, polar bears, cheetahs, whales are disappearing along with their variously furnished homes: cloud forests, rain forests, ice pack, boreal forests, coral reefs, forests of deciduous trees, conifer and palm.” — Eban Goodstein

    Funny Family Friendly Puns & Jokes on Tigers

    1. Why do tigers have stripes?
      — They don’t want to be spotted
    2. What do tigers sing at Christmas?
      — Jungle bells! Jungle bells!
    3. What do you get when you cross a tiger and a snowman?
      — Frost-bite
    4. On which side does a tiger have the most stripes?
      — The outside
    5. What do tigers and computers have in common?
      — They both have mega bites
    6. Why do tigers always eat raw meat?
      — Because they don’t know how to cook
    7. What do you get when you cross a tiger and a snowman?
      — Frost bite
    8. How does a tiger move a boat?
      — He uses roars
    9. On which day do tigers eat the most?
      — Chewsday
    10. How does a tiger greet other animals?
      — I will be pleased to eat you
    11. Why did the tiger spit out the clown?
      — Because he tasted funny
    12. Why are tigers terrible storytellers?
      — They only have one tail
    13. What do tigers wear to sleep?
      — Paw-jamas!

    Popular Quotes on Tiger

    1. “The most magnificent creature in the entire world the tiger is.” — Jack Hanna
    2. “The one certainty in tiger tracks is: follow them long enough and you will eventually arrive at a tiger, unless the tiger arrives at you first.” — John Vaillant
    3. “The tiger will see you a hundred times before you see him once.” — John Vaillant
    4. “You don’t see sick animals in the wild. You don’t see lame animals in the wild, and its all because of the predator: the lion, the tiger, the leopard, all the cats.” — Tippi Hedren
    5. “A tiger does not ignore or slight any small animal. The way he catches a mouse and catches and devours a cow are the same.” — Shunryu Suzuki
    6. “The impact of an attacking tiger can be compared to that of a piano falling on you from a second story window. But unlike the piano, the tiger is designed to do this, and the impact is only the beginning.” — John Vaillant
    7. “There is nothing like the thrill of walking through the jungle looking for a tiger and knowing they could be watching you already.” — Ashlan Gorse Cousteau
    8. “Tigers, except when wounded or when man-eaters, are on the whole very good-tempered.” — Jim Corbett
    9. “No one can walk beneath palm trees with impunity, and ideas are sure to change in a land where tigers are at home.” — Johann Wolfgang
    10. “If we choose to walk into a forest where a tiger lives, we are taking a chance.” — Peter Benchley
    11. “When two tigers fight, one is certain to be maimed, and one to die.” — Master Funakoshi
    12. “The Bengal tiger always has his tail up, ready to devour the opposition.” — Navjot Singh Sidhu

    1. “It is not part of a true culture to tame tigers, any more than it is to make sheep ferocious.” — Henry David Thoreau
    2. “Animals are everywhere. Some are more romantic, like tigers and elephants and chimpanzees, and some are less romantic, like earthworms, but they are just as interesting.” — Isabella Rossellini
    3. “A tiger only needs three things to be comfortable. Lots of food, sleep, and… actually, no it’s just those two things.” — Colleen Houck
    4. “Young normal tigers do not eat people. If eaten by a tiger you may rest assured he was abnormal.” — Will Cuppy
    5. “God invented the cat so that man would have a tiger to pet at home.” — Victor Hugo

    Wise & Motivational Quotes on Tiger

    1. “The tiger lies low not from fear, but for aim.” — Sherrilyn Kenyon
    2. “A wounded tiger is a dangerous beast.” — Arthur Golden
    3. “Better to live one year as a tiger, then a hundred as sheep.” — Madonna Ciccone
    4. “God is in the tiger as well as in the lamb.” — John Updike
    5. “The serpent, the king, the tiger, the stinging wasp, the small child, the dog owned by other people, and the fool: these seven ought not to be awakened from sleep.” — Chanakya
    6. “Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside” — John F. Kennedy
    7. “You can shoot the tiger, or stay out of his way, but you cannot pronounce him a vegetarian.” — Richard Mitchell
    8. “In waking a tiger, use a long stick.” — Mao Zedong
    9. “Unless you enter the tiger’s lair, you cannot get hold of the tiger’s cub’s.” — Sun Tzu
    10. “A tiger does not shout its tigritude, it acts.” — Wole Soyinka
    11. “Life is a tiger you have to grab by the tail, and if you don’t know the nature of the beast it will eat you up.” — Stephen King
    12. “Tiger watches and hunts; whereas, hyenas wait and wait, for their time, to reach rubbish left by the tiger; similarly, the fools wait, not the wise ones.” — Ehsan Sehgal
    13. “If you rile a tiger, he’s going to show his claws.” — Rob James-Collier
    14. “A tiger never loses sleep over the opinion of sheep.” — Ziad K. Abdelnour
    15. “If your mind becomes calm, you can think in front of a tiger. If you can think in front of a tiger, you will surely succeed” — Mencius

    1. “The tiger will never lie down with the lamb. He acknowledges no pact that is not reciprocal. The lamb must learn to run with the tigers.” — Angela Carter
    2. “A writer’s promise is like a tiger’s smile.” — Lytton Strachey
    3. “Wooing the press is an exercise roughly akin to picnicking with a tiger. You might enjoy the meal, but the tiger always eats last.” — Maureen Dowd
    4. “Being a president is like riding a tiger. A man has to keep on riding or he is swallowed.” — Harry S. Truman
    5. “The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.” — William Blake
    6. “Many people together won’t fear a tiger, and many dogs together won’t fear a wolf.” — John S. Rohsenow
    7. “It is far better to live like a tiger for a day than to live like a jackal for a hundred years.” — Benito Mussolini.
    8. “If you’re losing a tug of war with a tiger, give it the rope. You can always buy a new one.” — Max Gunther
    9. “Everyone needs a dog to adore him, and a tiger to bring him back to reality.” — Anonymous
    10. “If you want to kick the tiger in his back you’d better have a plan for dealing with his teeth.” — Tom Clancy
    11. “Some days you tame the tiger, and some days the tiger has you for lunch.” — Tug McGraw
    12. “An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.” — Confucius
    13. When you ride a tiger, you can’t put your foot down.” — David Weber
    14. “Petting never turned a tiger into a kitten.” — Franklin Delano Roosevelt
    15. “The wise man does not pull the tiger’s tail, even when it sleeps!” — Charles Pasqua

    Traditional Proverbs on Tiger

    1. “A tiger wearing a bell will starve.” — Mangolian Proverb
    2. “Beware of the tiger more than the lion and a wicked donkey more than the tiger.” — Arabian proverb
    3. “If you go up on land, you meet the tiger; if you go down in a boat, you meet the crocodile.” — Thai proverb
    4. “The tiger counts on the forest, the forest counts on the tiger.” — Cambodian proverb
    5. “The tiger also needs sleep.” — Chinese Proverb
    6. “If the dragon goes into shallow waters, the crab laughs at him; if the tiger ventures into a plain, the dog laughs at him.” — Chinese proverb
    7. “To serve a prince is like sleeping with a tiger.” — Chinese proverb
    8. “To harbor ambition in your heart is to carry a tiger in your arms.” — Chinese proverb
    9. “When you follow someone well, you learn to become good; when you follow a tiger, you learn to bite.” — Chinese proverb
    10. “While you chase a tiger through the front door, a wolf may enter through the back.” — Chinese proverb
    11. “The coward likes to hunt dead tigers.” — Chinese proverb
    12. “Don’t be a tiger’s head with a snake’s tail.” — Chinese Proverb
    13. “A man’s good name is as precious to him as its skin is to a tiger.” — Japanese Proverb
    14. “There is no off switch on a tiger.” — German Proverb
    15. “A tiger never returns to his prey he did not finish off.” — Chinese Proverb
    16. “Tiger father begets tiger son” — Chinese Proverb
    17. “If you do not enter the tiger’s den, how can you get his cub?” — Chinese proverb
    18. “Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank him for not having given it wings” — Indian proverb
    19. “Sit atop the mountain and watch the tigers fight.” — Chinese Proverb

    List of Tiger Related Days Celebrated Worldwide

    29 JulyInternational Tiger Day
    September-Full MonthNational Save A Tiger Month


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