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92+ Menstruation & Menstrual Hygiene Day Slogans & Quotes

    Periods, Menstruation Cup, and Sanitary Napkin Awareness Slogans & Quotes | Menstrual Hygiene Day

    There are hundreds of taglines, quotes and slogans available on Menstruation (Periods), and Menstrual Hygiene online. I have shortlisted few good slogans and taglines to save your time and energy. Here they are!

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    Menstruation (Periods) Awareness Slogans, Taglines, Captions & Quotes | Menstrual Hygiene Day

    1. Periods stain!
    2. Periods aren’t bad
    3. Break the silence
    4. Have a painless period.
    5. Don’t let periods stop you.
    6. Menstrual hygiene is important!
    7. Keep Menstrual Hygiene right, to make your future bright!
    8. Break the silence, end the stigma
    9. Menstruation: it’s a normal, natural thing
    10. Embrace your cycle, embrace yourself
    11. Proud of my period
    12. Period positivity, period pride
    13. Menstruation is a sign of strength
    14. Educate, empower, end the taboo
    15. Celebrate your monthly miracle
    16. Periods: every month, every woman
    17. Empowering women, one period at a time
    18. Periods don’t define us; they unite us
    19. Periods: a natural gift of life
    20. Break free from period shame
    21. Menstruation: a sign of life and health
    22. Periods are not a problem; ignorance is
    23. Menstruation: Erase stigma
    24. Menstruation: Empowering women through education and awareness

    1. “Precisely what menstruation is, is not yet very well known.” — G. Stanley Hall
    2. “Consider a very natural process, menstruation, and how the association has been created in which this process is dirty, degrading.” — Frederick Lenz
    3. “Over half the world menstruates at one time or another, but you’d never know it. Isn’t that strange?” — Margaret Cho
    4. “Menstrual blood is the only source of blood that is not traumatically induced. Yet in modern society, this is the most hidden blood, the one so rarely spoken of and almost never seen, except privately by women.” — Judy Grahn
    5. “It’s okay to talk about birth, okay – then menstruation. I first started my advocacy for women’s health in the field of reproductive freedom, and the next stage would be bringing menopause out of the closet.” — Cybill Shepherd
    6. “The use of sanitary pads and the dos and don’ts should be discussed with openness so as to make a hygienic and healthy life for the women.” — Manushi Chhillar
    7. “The statistic that 67 percent of women’s admissions to the psychiatric facilities are during the week before menstruation is critically important to every woman, and to every woman who feels she suffers from depression.” — Ayelet Waldman

    1. “I suffered a lot when I tried to make sanitary napkins and promote the idea. My family – including my mother and wife – deserted me. Villagers even tied me to a tree and beat me. But after seeing me successful now, they come and say that they all knew that I would become famous one day.” — Arunachalam Muruganantham
    2. “While woman sheds the Blood of Life each moon at menstruation, man can only shed the blood of death through warfare and killing.” — Katha Pollitt
    3. “Birth is of course violent. Menstruation is violent. Trust me, if men’s penises opened up once a month and shot blood, we’d be hearing about the violence of it.” — Lidia Yuknavitch
    4. “You want to know what pain is? Try running out of Advil when you’ve got a Category Five period. I’ve had cramps that would make grown men beg for a bullet between the eyes.” — Libba Bray
    5. “One of the hardest questions I have been asked is ‘How will you manage the army if you are having menstrual cramps?’ I have also been asked if I will have the courage to face criminals. My answer is that courage is not a matter of gender.” — Josefina Vazquez Mota

    Sanitary Pads and Menstrual Cup Awareness Slogans and Quotes

    1. Say yes to tension-free periods!
    2. Sanitary pads rock!
    3. Don’t let these days stop you.
    4. Don’t use the same pad for a longer time.
    5. Enjoy like a free bird.
    6. Live your life to the fullest!
    7. Don’t get spotted
    8. A girl’s best friend
    9. A girl’s real companion
    10. A Pack of security
    11. Soft pads for tough days
    12. Be a free soul
    13. Don’t whine, you are born to shine. Use Sanitary Pads
    14. Better absorption, better protection
    15. Change your pads timely, to get through your periods finely
    16. Choose the best, feel the best
    17. No more sleepless nights!
    18. Don’t be late, use pads to change your fate
    19. Don’t feel hesitated, pad keeps you protected
    20. You are not incompetent, wear pads to feel confident
    21. Feel free from today
    22. Feel the goodness of sanitary pads
    23. Your comfort is priceless
    24. Hard days become so easy!
    25. Get wings and fly! (Use sanitary pads with wings for extra protection)
    26. Live the way you want.
    27. Make your tough days easy
    28. No more worries for leakage.
    29. No pads, no safety.
    30. Stay spotless, avoid cleaning stress
    31. No need to look back anymore!
    32. Nothing can stop you!
    33. Don’t feel shy, wear pads and fly!
    34. Soft pads for smooth periods
    35. Say goodbye to uneasiness.
    36. Say no to leakage.
    37. Secured women, secured society
    38. Don’t be fool, wear pads and stay cool
    39. No more dirty clothes during periods.
    40. Stop using dirty cloths.

    Slogans on Low cost / Free Sanitary Pads Donation Drive for Underprivileged Girls

    1. Sanitary pads are every woman’s right
    2. Don’t be greedy, Gift sanitary pads to the needy
    3. Gift someone a safer period
    4. Give pads, gift hygiene
    5. A gift of safety. Donate pads
    6. If you can’t help the hundred women, just help the one.
    7. It’s our responsibility, to provide them safety. Donate Sanitary napkins
    8. Tension free days are happy days.
    9. Feel stress-free!
    10. Use sanitary pads and see the difference
    11. Feel the goodness of menstrual cups
    12. Stain free, worry free, Germ free!
    13. Menstrual cup’s protection, saves from infection
    14. Get rid of itching and rashes.
    15. Get rid of smell and leakage
    16. Goodbye bad smell!
    17. Sleep carefree!
    18. No more stains!
    19. Say ‘Hi’ to protection, ‘Bye-Bye’ to irritation
    20. Don’t sit and cry, when you can run, jump and fly. Use Menstrual Cups
    21. Enjoy your periods like other days
    22. Feel free, feel fresh
    23. Feel light, be bright
    24. No need to check again and again, menstrual cups save lot of pain
    25. No rashes and infection, provides perfect protection
    26. Long lasting protection.
    27. Feel wet free!

    1. “My plea is that don’t wait for a girl to become a woman to empower them. Empower a girl’s life by giving sanitary pads to them. With pads, we give them wings.” — Arunachalam Muruganantham
    2. “As we know, menstrual hygiene is an issue woman have been facing over the years. It’s great that the initiative to provide low-cost sanitary napkins has been undertaken. It is an empowering step for many women.” — Radhika Apte
    3. “When I took admission in a medical college, I found that apart from the lack of education, what stopped girls from menstrual management was a limited access to sanitary pads.” — Manushi Chhillar
    4. “The idea came from my wife, since in our village, women cannot afford to buy sanitary pads. When I asked my wife, she told me we would have to cut down half of our milk budget to buy sanitary pads. Moreover, while raw materials for sanitary pads cost 10 paise, the end product was sold for 40 times that price. So, I decided to create it on my own.” — Arunachalam Muruganantham
    5. “Even if I can take sanitary napkins to 10% of the poor women in India, it will be big achievement.” — Arunachalam Muruganantham
    6. “When I tell a foreign audience that 90 per cent of Indian women have no access to sanitary napkin, there is a visible disbelief. But there is hardly a ripple when I say the same thing to an Indian crowd.” — Arunachalam Muruganantham

    List of Menstruation (Periods), and Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Days Observed Worldwide

    May-Full MonthWomen’s Health Month 
    Second Sunday in MayNational Women’s Health Week
    28 MayMenstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day)
    28 MayInternational Day of Action for Women’s Health
    Last Friday in SeptemberNational Women’s Health and Fitness Day
    10 OctoberNational Period Day
    2 NovemberWorld Fertility Day


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