Home » 43+ Effective Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality
43+ Effective Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality plays a vital role in keeping us healthy. Shockingly, indoor air is often 5-10 times more polluted than outdoor air (according to WHO study).
Indoor Air Pollution: Remove shoes at the door
Shoes are known to bring more than 50% of dust, harmful microorganisms, pollution and some really yucky stuff like feces into our homes. Although floor mats are effective in many instances, they can’t prevent all debris and materials being tracked into the home. So it’s best to take your shoes off at the door. In many cultures, it is a tradition to remove shoes before entering home / temple. This not only helps in keeping your air cleaner but also your floors.
Use Doormats:
Indoor Air Pollution: Use doormats to reduce the number of pollutants entering your house
If you absolutely must wear your shoes indoors or if you don’t like the idea of asking visitors to remove their shoes at the door, the simple act of using a doormat before entering the residence can reduce the number of pollutants entering your house tremendously. According to an EPA study, if you use a doormat and take shoes off at the door – common toxins are reduced by about 60%. Note: Doormats can become very dirty with use and can create a hotspot for various microorganisms. So they must be cleaned or changed out regularly.
Keep pet dander to a minimum:
Indoor Air Pollution: Brush your pets outdoors to keep pet dander out
If you have a pet, be sure to clean them regularly.
It’s better to brush them outdoors if you can.
Vacuum floors and furnishings regularly with a HEPA filter.
Say no to dry dusting:
Indoor Air Pollution: Say NO to dry dusting
Whenever you dust your furniture and other stuff with a dry rag or feather duster, it doesn’t get rid of the tiny dust particles that are on them, but it actually sends them into the air or onto the ground, where they are likely to be kicked up or picked up by your feet the next time that you pass through. You may also end up breathing in all the dust particles which are lifted into the air while you clean. Hence rather than using a dry cloth or a feather duster, use a soft damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner to clean up.
Keep your bedding clean:
Indoor Air Pollution: Keep your bedding clean
Dust particles, minute toxic elements and pet dander get accumulated on bedding over time. In fact, the mattresses can actually gain weight over time as they absorb dead skin, colonies of dust mites (which feed on dead skin ), their droppings, oil and moisture. That’s disgusting! Hence, it’s better to wash your bedding weekly in hot water to discourage the growth of dust mites and prevent allergies.
Fix the leaks:
Indoor Air Pollution: Fix the water leaks to prevent molds
Water damage or leakage can cause more harm than you think. Mold and dust mites flourish in warm, damp environments. If you spot mold, remove it immediately. Don’t let moisture or humidity build up anywhere. Try to identify the source of the moisture and fix the problem.
Remove carpeting if possible:
Indoor Air Pollution: Remove carpeting if possible
Carpets act like a toxic sponge by holding on to small dust particles and other contaminants which increases indoor air pollution. Hence, it’s necessary to clean them often. Removing the carpeting is a best and sure way of reducing indoor air pollution.
Replace curtains and drapes with blinds:
Indoor Air Pollution: Replace curtains and drapes with blinds
Fabric tends to hold onto dust and other pollutants more readily. Blinds are comparatively easier to clean. Hence, switching from drapes or curtains to blinds can also provide you with cleaner air.
Minimize the clutter:
Indoor Air Pollution: Minimize the clutter
Cluttering makes cleaning difficult. It causes accumulation of dust that carries bacteria, mold, mites and fungi etc. Less cluttered spaces are easier to manage and clean. More free space means more space for fresh air to come and stay. Hence it’s always better to buy only what you really need instead of cluttering your house with fancy, random, and useless stuff.
2. Improve Ventilation:
Open your doors and windows:
Indoor Air Pollution: Open your doors and windows
Opening windows to allow good sun exposure and fresh air circulation inside your house is the simplest and cheapest way to improve indoor air quality.
Note: Do not open the windows if you are staying in a highly polluted area / if the construction is going on nearby. Or else, you may end up inviting even more smoke, volatile organic compounds and dust. In such cases, instead of opening the windows; you can even install trickle vents to purify and cycle the air you breathe indoors.
Install chimney / exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom:
Indoor Air Pollution: Install chimney exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom
Cooking can be a major source of indoor air pollution. Hence, install exhaust hoods or fans in the kitchen and bathroom to allow good ventilation, remove toxic gases produced while cooking and also to reduce humidity. For best results, switch it on before preheating the oven or firing up the burners, and leave it running for a few minutes after you’re done cooking.
3. Reduce the production of harmful gases and chemicals
Avoid smoking indoors:
Indoor Air Pollution: Avoid smoking indoors
Smoking indoors or in the car leads to the accumulation of smoke and toxic substances that can seriously impacts indoor air quality. Quitting smoking is the best solution to keep yourself and others healthy. At least avoid smoking indoors or in the car, and also prevent guests from smoking inside your house.
Use low-VOC products:
Indoor Air Pollution: Use low-VOC products
Look for products that are labeled as low-VOC or no-VOC. Use them in the well-ventilated area. Store products containing VOCs outside the house, such as an outdoor shed or the garage.
Choose unscented:
Indoor Air Pollution: Choose unscented products
Most people love fragrances. That’s why many products come in scented or unscented versions. The unscented ones should contain fewer chemicals. That’s a good thing. Right?
Use polishes and sprays in well-ventilated areas:
Indoor Air Pollution: Use polishes and sprays in well-ventilated areas
The use of polishing substances such as varnish, nail polish, and various sprays releases volatile organic compounds. Hence, such activities should be done in well ventilated places. It is best to do them outdoors where there is free flow of air.
Don’t mask the odors:
Indoor Air Pollution: Don’t mask the odors with chemical based air freshners and incense-sticks
Most of the people usually try to avoid indoor foul odors by masking them with artificial fragrances and air fresheners. But such products contain VOCs. It simply worsens the problem. They can cause asthma, allergy attacks and harm your health even more. Hence, never use such artificial fragrances and air fresheners in your kitchen, toilet and car etc.
4. Think twice before renovating your home and buying new furniture
Paint first:
Indoor Air Pollution: Paint first and air it out before installing carpeting and curtains
Carpeting and curtains can absorb chemical fumes from the paint. Hence, if you’re renovating your house, paint it and air it out before installing carpeting and curtains. Go for non-scented paint designed to promote good air quality. Also paint in the season when it’s most comfortable to leave doors and windows open for air circulation. It’s better to paint any furniture and other stuff outdoor or in the garage with the door open.
Wash new stuff before using it:
Indoor Air Pollution: Wash new stuff like curtains, drapes and bedsheets etc. before using it
New drapes, curtains, bed sheets, pillows and linens can all contain residual chemicals from the manufacturing process. So, always make it a point to wash new bed sheets, blankets and towels etc. before putting them to use.
Air out new furniture:
Indoor Air Pollution: Air out new furniture
When you buy a new furniture, it emits VOCs, more heavily at first and then taper off. Unwrap new furniture outdoors and let it sit for few days to air out and allow VOCs to escape. Open doors and windows to get fresh air into your house as often as possible.
Buy used (second hand) furniture:
Indoor Air Pollution: Buy used (second hand) furniture
Second hand furniture is not only budget friendly but also eco-friendly. It won’t emit VOCs like new furniture. So buying older furniture can prevent many harmful chemicals from entering your house.
5. Enhance Indoor Air Quality:
Use activated charcoal / active carbon / bamboo charcoal:
Indoor Air Pollution: Use activated charcoal, active carbon or bamboo charcoal
Odorless and highly-absorptive activated / bamboo charcoal is a fantastic way to purify indoor air naturally. They can be placed in the house/car/toilet by filling them in burlap bags. They work wonders in removing unpleasant odors and toxins from the air and also remove bacteria, harmful pollutants and allergens from the air and absorb moisture, preventing mold.
Use salt lamp:
Indoor Air Pollution: Use salt lamp
Himalayan Salt lamp is another great way to clean indoor air efficiently. They are made from salt crystals and when lit, the lamp emits negative ions that clear the air naturally of allergens like smoke, pet dander, pollen etc. Salt lamp looks attractive and adds to the beauty of your house. It also absorbs moisture, pulls toxins from the environment and neutralizes them.
Use natural Beeswax/ soy-based and cotton-wicked candles:
Indoor Air Pollution: Use natural Beeswax or soy-based and cotton-wicked candles
Most of the scented and commercially made candles contain artificial fragrance and paraffin wax. When lit, the wax gives off toluene and benzene, which are carcinogenic substances. The wicks of most scented candles contain lead. On the other hand, pure Beeswax / soy based candles burn with almost no smoke or scent and clean the air by releasing negative ions into the air which bind with toxins and help remove them from the air.
They are effective at removing common allergens like dust and dander from the air. They also burn more slowly and last much longer than paraffin candles. Hence, replacing the scented and commercial made candles with natural beeswax/ soy-based and cotton-wicked candles is a sure way of reducing indoor air pollution.
Use pure essential oils:
Indoor Air Pollution: Use pure essential oils
Some essential oils like Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree oil etc. have the ability to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold. They can help in keeping the home free of germs and purify the air. They also have mental and physical health benefits. Using a diffuser to disperse essential oils is always better. But if you are looking for a low-cost alternative; just add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl full of lukewarm water. Let the bowl sit in the room you spend the most time in.
Note: Aromatherapy can be tricky. It may make air quality worse unless they are of the right kind. The one which works in one place may not work that well in the other (depending upon the temperature, humidity, ventilation and size of the room).
So, choose the one that suits your requirements. One of our Clients gifted us a very expensive set of essential oils with a diffuser. The packaging was really attractive and classy. So, we immediately used it in our office out of excitement. But within few hours, everyone started feeling a bit uneasy and experienced headache. We were not sure about exactly what went wrong.
Next few days, we kept on experimenting with varieties of essential oils in that set. But every time our experience was the same. And one day, we took an oath not to use anything from that set ever again. That fancy looking set is still lying in the darkest and most untouched corners of our office.
What went wrong? May be, poor ventilation in our office was to blame. So, always do a little bit of study and observation to know what’s best for you and your home/office.
Use air purifying indoor plants:
Indoor Air Pollution: Use air purifying indoor plants
There’s an easy and affordable way to combat the presence of the yucky stuff we may be breathing in. Amazingly, it comes right from the natural world! Growing air purifying indoor plants is a great way to breathe fresh air and reduce poisonous gases. Snake Plant, Peace Lily, Money Plant, Spider Plant etc. are some of the most effective plants for removing indoor air toxins and contaminants.
Buy an efficient air purifier:
Indoor Air Pollution: Buy an efficient air purifier
Although opening windows and using indoor plants is the easiest way to ventilate your home, car or office; that’s not always possible due to outdoor pollution, allergies or extreme temperatures. In that case, you can consider using air purifier with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arresting) filter.
Let’s have a quick comparison between Artificial Air Purifiers and Air Purifying Indoor Plants :
Air Purifier
Air Purifying Indoor Plants
Purifies air
Lives/works on
Water & fertilizers
Space required
Aesthetic Value
Noise Production
Periodic cleaning and replacement of filters
Regular watering and removing dead leaves
More Convenient
Less Convenient
Quick Recap At Effective Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality:
Taking some simple precautions can help boost air quality in your home and also improve your health.
1. Maintain cleanliness
Remove shoes at the door
Use doormat and clean it regularly
Minimize clutter
Remove carpeting if possible
Keep trash covered to avoid pests from getting attracted
Wash bedding weekly
Keep your soft toys clean
Switch from drapes or curtains to blinds
Use vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter to clean floors and furnishings regularly
Use a soft damp cloth to clean up rather than using a dry cloth or a feather duster.
Keep your air conditioner, humidifier or dehumidifier well maintained and cleaned regularly
Keep your pets clean and brush them outdoors
Don’t let moisture or humidity build up anywhere to prevent mold and dust mites.
Try to identify the source of the moisture/water leaks and fix the problem
2. Allow good ventilation
Open doors and windows to get fresh air and good sun exposure into your house as often as possible
Install trickle vents to purify and cycle the air you breathe indoors.
Make sure exhaust fans are functioning well in your bathrooms and kitchen
If your water has a strong chlorine smell, open a window or turn on the exhaust fan when taking a hot shower or bath.
3. Reduce the production of chemicals and harmful gases
Avoid using harmful chemical products like air fresheners, mosquito repellents, household cleaners and heavy perfumes etc.
Use non-aerosol personal care products
Buy low-VOC, air-friendly cleaning products, or make your own
Lookout for natural alternatives to chemical-laden items.
Store toxic chemicals or materials with high VOC levels in a garage or shed, not in the house
Keep household cleaners tightly sealed when not in use.
Plant trees in the balcony. But don’t use pesticides.
Turn the furnace down at nighttime
Minimize the use of air conditioners and heaters
Avoid smoking indoors or in a car (It’s better to quit smoking completely)
Keep your windows closed if you are staying in a highly polluted area to prevent harmful pollutants from coming in.
Test your home for radon
Never leave your car running in the garage
Use polishes and sprays in well-ventilated (preferably outdoor) areas
4. Think twice before renovating your home and buying new furniture
Avoid using pressed wood / particle board furniture
Buy solid-wood, glass, or metal (stainless steel) furniture and products.
If possible, keep newly purchased furniture in open air for few days before using it indoor.
Buy used (second hand) furniture
Always wash new bed sheets, curtains and towels before putting them to use.
Do indoor construction and painting when you can vacate the house for a while or when it’s warm enough to open all the windows and doors to let the fresh air come in.
5. Enhance indoor air quality
Use indoor plants to produce oxygen and remove pollutants from the air.
Install good quality air purifier with HEPA filter. Keep it well maintained and replace the filters whenever required.
Burn natural beeswax, soy-based and cotton-wicked candles instead of scented paraffin candles.
Use activated charcoal / active carbon / bamboo charcoal to remove unpleasant odors and toxins from the air and prevent mold naturally.
Use Himalayan Salt lamp to remove allergens like smoke, pet dander, pollens etc.
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Very informative, thanks! I especially love the idea of houseplants and natural cleansers. By the way, I read here https://www.escoutah.com/service-area/salt-lake-county/salt-lake-city/services/hvac/indoor-air-quality-improvement/, that there are specific signs of poor air quality. Just listen to your body.