Do we really need eco friendly Ganesha idol?
Most of the idols are mainly made up of Plaster of Paris (POP) and Shadu Clay.
Nowadays, everyone knows POP is harmful. Still, every year thousands of POP idols find their way to market and get sold out.
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- Eco friendly Ganesha Idols Made Up Of…
- How to make DIY Eco-Friendly Ganesha Idol at Home?
- List of 32+ Materials / Ways To Make Your Eco Friendly Ganesha Idol And Decoration
- How to Paint your Eco Friendly Ganesha Idol at Home?
- Can eco-friendly idols replace POP completely?
Related articles:
- Advantages and disadvantages of Plaster of Paris (POP) idols
- Tips for celebrating eco-friendly Ganesh Chaturthi Festival
- Eco-friendly Ganesh immersion (visarjan)
Is Shadu Mati (fire clay) Eco-Friendly?
As we all know, Ganesha idols are commonly made up of either POP or Shadu clay. Shadu clay is found mainly on river banks in Gujarat and the Konkan region.
What are the Advantages of Shadu Mati (Fire Clay) over POP idols?
- Unlike POP, Shadu Clay is natural and free from harmful chemicals
- Shadu Clay dissolves faster in water as compared to POP idols
What are the Disadvantages of Shadu Mati (Fire Clay)?
Clay is definitely a better option than POP. But just switching over to shadu clay is also not a complete solution. Do you know why? This is because…
1. Technical & practical difficulties:
There are so many technical and practical difficulties in making clay idols! It’s heavy, brittle and comparatively difficult to mould. Its mass production is more time, labour and money extensive. That’s why, many artists prefer POP over clay. Even most of the buyers prefer POP idols over clay.
2. Clay brings its own carbon footprint:
The Shadu clay required for making idols is mainly imported from Gujarat. It is mined, and then transported to Maharashtra.
So, even though clay is an eco-friendly material; its overall carbon footprint makes it not ‘so’ eco-friendly as we think it is. Shocking, isn’t it?
3. Too much of everything is bad:
We know that Shadu clay is free from artificial chemicals. But is it completely harmless to the eco-system? If you immerse too many idols in a lake or a river, it’s definitely going to make the water turbid. Also, wet Shadu clay is kind of sticky. So, it may even cause damage to the underwater plants and overall aquatic life.
That’s why with increasing environmental consciousness, people have been looking for alternatives to POP and Shadu Clay.
Let your kids make their own Ganpati Bappa!
DIY Mould and Paint Ganesha Idol Kit with 6 attractive designs and non-toxic paints. Just mould, paint and keep it for a display! Great for your Kids
What is eco-friendly Ganesh idol?
It’s simple! Eco friendly Ganesha idols are those that are made up of…
- Natural and biodegradable materials, which degrade faster and do not harm the environment
- Or, they are made up of recycled / reused materials, which could be dismantled and reused again
What are the advantages of the eco friendly idols?
- They do not pollute the environment, especially water (post immersion)
- There are so many creative eco-friendly materials to construct a Green Ganesha idol. That’s really amazing!
What are the limitations of the eco friendly idols?
1) Tedious Process:
The process of making eco friendly idols is very long and time consuming.
2) Lesser Availability:
Currently, eco friendly idols are not readily available in multiple shapes and sizes.
3) Higher Cost:
Most of the eco friendly idols are very expensive as compared to POP idols of the same size.
4) Difficult to Transport:
Eco friendly idols are generally more delicate to handle and transport as compared to POP idols.
5) Less Attractive:
Idols made up of natural colours look bland and dull as compared to chemical based dyes and glitter.
Let’s have a look at some real eco-friendly idols that will blow your mind.
Sculpting Ganesha Idol is so much fun!
Sculpt Ganesh Idol the way you want with Natural, non-toxic and ready to use terracotta Clay
What can I use to make eco friendly Ganesha?
You can use various materials like…
- Edible Materials / Food
- Natural Materials
- Recycled / Reused Materials
Let’s have a look at each of these materials in detail.
Innovative Eco friendly Ganesha Idols Made Up Of Edible Materials / Food:
Eco Friendly Chocolate Ganesha Idol
Now bring joy to the lives of hundreds of underprivileged kids, with chocolate Ganesha!
How Chocolate Ganesha is made?
As the name suggests, Chocolate Ganesha is made up of chocolate. It has no added preservatives. Decoration is done with edible colours.
How to do Chocolate Ganesha immersion at home?
Do you know, what makes this idol so unique? Well, it is the way it is immersed. We generally immerse the Ganesha idol in water. But this one has its own unique way.
Let’s have a look at the steps to be followed.
- Take milk in a container
- Immerse Ganesha idol in the milk container
- Pour the milk on the idol
- Once the idol gets dissolved in the milk, stir it well
- Distribute the chocolate milkshake as a Prasadam to your family. You can also share it with poor/ underprivileged kids who can’t afford a treat like this.

Don’t forget to maintain a good hygiene while keeping a Chocolate Ganesha Idol at home.
Chocolate is going to be used for consumption. So, you have to take precautions to maintain a good hygiene. It’s very very important.
- Don’t touch the idol
- Preferably keep it in an air conditioned room / glass box to avoid dust and other contaminants.
- Do not offer any flowers, leaves, vermilion etc. to the chocolate idols
What are the Advantages of Chocolate Ganesha Idol?
- It’s edible
- Contributes to zero waste and pollution free immersion
- Serves a noble purpose of feeding the hungry
What are the Disadvantages of Chocolate Ganesha Idol?
- It requires skill and hours of hard work to create this idol.
- Readymade chocolate idols are very expensive to buy (Not affordable to everyone)
- Extreme heat can melt the chocolate
- Needs extreme care to maintain hygiene
- Poor hygiene can result in food poisoning
- It’s not completely eco-friendly. (We can’t forget the carbon footprint involved in the manufacturing and transportation of the chocolate)
Is Chocolate Ganesha suitable for you?
It would be a great fun to sculpt your own Ganesha idol. But if you are looking for the hassle free readymade ones; then various designs of Chocolate Ganesha (handmade / using moulds) are available online.
If you can afford them, buy one.
The joy on the face of the poor after having a tasty chocolate milk treat will be a true celebration! After all, real festival is when no one sleeps hungry.
Bappa loves Modaks!
Make Ganesha’s favourite Yummy Modaks and chocolate modaks easily with these moulds
Fish Friendly Ganesha Idol

Every year after immersion of Ganesha idols, thousands of fishes and other marine species die due to rise in the toxicity of water. This time, what if we gift them with a yummy treat instead of harmful chemicals?
It’s time for a delicious meal, home-delivered for free.
Sounds amazing. Isn’t it?
Well that’s what fish friendly Ganesha idol does.
How Fish Friendly Ganesha idol is made?
- These idols are made up of paper mache and clay.
- Fish friendly vegetarian food such as dried corn, spinach, wheat and vegetable powder etc. are filled inside the idol.
- They are painted with natural dyes instead of using harmful chemical based ones.
How to do Fish Friendly Ganesha Idol immersion?
- You can immerse these idols in lake, river or sea; just like the regular idols.
- When immersed in water, the clay melts in 4-5 hours
- The food stuffed inside the idol becomes ready to be consumed by the fish.
So, this season let’s plan a party for the fishes.
Some other Eco Friendly Ganesha idols made up of edible materials / food :

This 9-foot tall Ganesha idol is made out of old newspaper and spices like clove, cinnamon, chilly, cardamom and mustard seeds.
- Legumes (beans, lentils etc.)
- Kurkure snacks
- Biscuits
- Cadbury Gems
- Chikki
- Idol made from more than 2 tonnes of sugar cane by 20 people in just 4 days.
- Ganesha idol made with corn
- Lord Ganesha idol made with 7,000 banana flowers
- 36 feet Ganesha idol made from 2½ ton pineapples
On the last day of the celebration, the fruits used to make the idol were distributed among the people. Which prasadam can be better than this?
These idols became a huge hit among visitors as well as on social media. Devotees thronged to the place in thousands. And their images received lakhs of likes, shares and thousands of comments.
- Ganesha made with 3500 watermelons
- Idol made with apples and flowers
- 27-feet idol made using 5 tonnes of bananas. While the ornaments and Tilak were made of bamboo, the eyes were created by using banana leaves.
- Cold drink bottles
- Food packs
It’s time for a Puja!
All in one Puja kit for all auspicious occasions like Ganesh Chaturthi, Navratri, Lakshmi Pooja, Home Pooja, Diwali and more
Eco Friendly Ganesha Idol Made Up Of Natural Materials:
1) Eco Friendly Plantable Tree Ganesha Idol
This Idol grows into a Plant after the celebration.

How Plantable Tree Ganesha is made?
- These idols are made up of clay, cow-dung and vermicompost / any other natural fertilizer.
- Seeds of the fast growing plants like ladyfinger, tomato and holy basil (Tulsi) etc. are placed inside the idol.
How to do Plantable Tree Ganesha immersion at home?
You don’t have to immerse your Plantable Tree Ganesha idol in rivers, lakes or sea.
- Place the idol in a pot with soil (Sometimes the idol comes with the pot).
- Gently start pouring water on it.
- The idol will dissolve and soon, the seeds will take root in the soil.
- Within few days, your Ganesha will grow into lush plants.
- This way, God will always remain in your home and shower his blessings throughout the year in the form of vegetables and fruits!
What are the Advantages of Plantable Tree Ganesha?
- These idols are 100% biodegradable and sustainable.
- Contributes to zero waste immersion.
- Do not cause any kind of pollution.
- Promotes tree plantation
What are the Disadvantages of Plantable Tree Ganesha?
- Their availability is limited as compared to conventional POP/ Clay idols.
- Costs are on a higher end.
Water Purifying (Alum) Ganesha
Alum (fitkari) is a naturally occurring mineral salt. It is known for its water purifying properties since the ancient times. It acts like a flocculant. What if we make an idol from Alum?
How Water Purifying (Alum) Ganesha is made?
- Alum Ganesha Idols are carved out in the alum stone
- The size of the idol depends upon the size of the alum stone. Small idol is carved out of a single stone.
- For bigger idols, various pieces of alum are joined together.
- Food colour is used for decoration and beautification of idols.
How to do Water Purifying (Alum) Ganesha immersion?
- You can immerse this water purifying Ganesha idol in outdoor water sources (like river, lake, sea etc.) as well as at home.
- Just immerse it in the water and it will get dissolved within few minutes.
What are the Advantages of Water Purifying (Alum) Ganesha Idol?
- Quickly dissolves in water.
- Helps clean the water.
- Since alum does not come in a particular size, shape and design; every alum idol looks unique.
What are the Disadvantages of Water Purifying (Alum) Ganesha Idol?
- Alum is heavier for transportation and immersion.
- The process of making Alum idol is very time consuming. It can take several hours or even days to carve a single idol.
- Alum has different layers. So one wrong step in carving can ruin the entire thing. You may have to start all over again with another alum.
- Although alum is good for purification, too much of alum may have its own side effects on water quality and marine life.
Cow Dung (Gobar/ Gomaya) Ganesha

The tradition of smearing of cow dung paste on the floor to stop the growth of microorganisms dates back to several centuries.
Now it’s time to take it to another level with Gobar Ganesha by using the power of three.
How Cow Dung (Gobar/ Gomaya) Ganesha is made?
This idol is made up of 3 main ingredients, power packed with many medicinal and antibacterial properties.
1. Cow Dung & Urine:
Desi cow dung and urine are considered to be holy and have several medicinal properties.
2. Turmeric:
The anti-inflammatory and natural disinfectant properties of turmeric prevent the bacterial or fungal growth on the idol.
3) Neem Leaves:
Neem Leaves are great in combating numerous bacterial infections.
How to do Cow Dung (Gobar/ Gomaya) Ganesha immersion?
You can either immerse this Ganesha idol in outdoor water bodies (river, lake and sea etc.) or at home.
1) When released in a lake/ river / sea:
- It purifies the water
- Releases healthy bacteria which serve as feed for aquatic life
2) When immersed at home (in a bucket):
- It can act as healthy manure for your plants.
I am really impressed with the Power of Three. Aren’t you?
A gift of blessings!
Attractive Brass Ganesh Idols for home, office and cars. Perfect for gifting
Some other Eco Friendly Ganesha idols made using natural materials:
Eco Friendly Ganesha idol made up of grass and flowers
- Coconut leaf
- Rattan Bamboo / palm
- Jute string
- Sieves, arecanut peels, jute ropes, giant leaves and other materials have been creatively used to sculpt the idol. The tusks are made of paper while the attire of the idol is prepared from handmade paper.
- Electra tree shells
- Coconut shells
Ganesha Idols Made Up Of Recycled / Reused Materials:
Eco Friendly Paper Mache Ganesha Idol
Paper mache Ganesha idol is made up by using discarded newspaper, old notebook papers etc.

What are the Advantages of Paper-Mache Ganesha Idol?
- Harder and stronger than POP and many eco-friendly idols
- Very lightweight (almost 10 times lighter than clay idol of the same size)
- Easy to handle
What are the Disadvantages of Paper-Mache Ganesha Idol?
- The process is very long and time consuming
- Immersion is not 100% eco-friendly. The remnants tend to form a pile at the bottom of the lake or sea etc. and can still contribute to pollution.
Ganesha Idol made up of Agricultural waste / Agro Residue
This Ganesha idol is made up of Agro-Residues, which were burnt by farmers in their farm fields, causing air & land pollution.

How Agricultural waste / Agro Residue Ganesha Idol is made?
- Generating pulp from the Agro-Residue
- Moulding it to make Ganesha idol
- Drying and Colouring the idol to make it look attractive
How to do Agricultural waste / Agro Residue Ganesha Idol Immersion?
There are two ways to immerse this Idol
1. Immersion in Pot:
- Place the idol in a pot with soil
- Gently start pouring water on it
- The idol will dissolve and within few days, it will get converted into manure
- You can put some vegetable / flower seeds in the same pot
- This way, God will always remain in your home and shower his blessings throughout the year in the form of vegetables and flowers!
2. Immersion in Water:
- Immerse the Idol in river / lake or a bucket of water
- Within few minutes, the idol will start to break down into small pieces.
- As these pieces are nothing but agricultural waste, they could be easily consumed by the aquatic creatures.
Other Eco Friendly Ganesha Idols made up of various recycled / reusable materials:
- Idol made with hundreds of paper cups
- Ganesh Idol created from 1936 empty plastic water bottle. This 7 feet 6 inches tall idol weighed 23 kgs.
- The six-feet-tall masterpiece is made from over 500 kg of car parts like disk brakes, fenders, clutch plates, flat gears, shaft gears, spark plugs, connecting rods, automobile chains, and crank shafts etc.
- Ganesha made with Colourful chalk pieces (Which could be distributed to Municipal Schools at the end of the festival)
- Huge idol made using thousands of Pencils (Which could be distributed to needy students at the end of the festival)
- 11 feet tall Ganesha idol made with 420 kg of Sea Shells and conches. It took 4 years to complete.
Eco Friendly Ganesha Idols That Could Last For A Lifetime / Generations:
Purchasing the readymade brass, silver or marble idols etc. is the simplest solution to get a nice and permanent Ganesh idol. Nowadays many such idols are available online.
What are the Advantages of permanent Ganesha Idols?
- They are hassle free
- Saves time and energy
- It involves only a one time cost in buying the idol
- As the same idol is used again and again, no pollution is caused during immersion
What are the Disadvantages of permanent Ganesha idols?
- These idols are very expensive as compared to regular ones
- You need to place order well in advance
- Availability is limited
How to make DIY Eco-Friendly Ganesha Idol at Home?
Do you have an artistic mind? Then what could be better than sculpting your own Ganesha idol?
You might need some guidance initially, but later it will be a lot of fun. Thanks to YouTube, there are so many video tutorials available online.
What are the advantages of making Eco-Friendly Ganesha on your own?
- Gives you a chance to create idol the way you want
- Allows you and your family members to unleash their creativity
- The whole activity could be a great way of family bonding
- It’s a great option if all the readymade Ganesha idols are already sold out
What are the disadvantages of making Eco-Friendly Ganesha on your own?
- The making process could be messy and time consuming
- The final output may not turn out the way you had imagined
Hence, you can either make the complete Ganesha Idol from scratch or buy a readymade idol and colour it at your end.
How to Colour the Ganesha idols?
Creating an idol from scratch takes hours. Generally we all are so busy in our daily routine that getting spare time to create an idol sounds next to impossible.
Many times people are a little apprehensive if the idol would come out well or not. So they don’t even try.
If you are not confident about your artistic skills, or have no time to create idol from the scratch; You can purchase the basic idol from the artisans, and colour them at home with natural colours.
You can also cover the idol with innovative materials (like shells, spices, grains etc.) instead of painting.
Advantages of colouring the readymade Ganesha Idols:
- The process is less time consuming
- Gives you the satisfaction of doing something creative
Are your kids aware of Hindu Mythology?
Colourful, easy to understand and beautifully illustrated mythological books for Kids.
List of 32+ Materials / Ways To Make Your Eco Friendly Ganesha Idol And Decoration
There is no shortage of creative eco friendly materials to construct a Green Ganesha idol.
Edible Materials / Food Items:
- Fruits
- Apples
- Pineapples
- Bananas
- Watermelons
- Sugar cane etc.
- Vegetables
- Corn
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Brinjal
- Pumpkin
- Ladyfinger/ Okra
- Cucumber etc.
- Chocolate
- White chocolate
- Dark chocolate
- Gems etc.
- Flour
- Dry fruits
- Almonds
- Raisins
- Walnuts
- Cashews
- Pistachio shells etc.
- Spices
- Clove
- Cinnamon
- Chilly
- Cardamom
- Mustard seeds etc.
- Snacks
- Kachori
- Kurkure /Chips Packets
- Sweets
- Sugar
- Toffy
- Sweet candies
- Chikki
- Biscuits etc.
- Grains and legumes
- Rice
- Beans
- Lentils
Natural Materials:
- Shadu Mati (Immerse the idol in a bucket and reuse the clay to make new idol every year)
- Cow dung
- Alum
- Flowers
- Leaves
- Grass
- Coconut husk
- Tree shells
- Jute ropes
- Sea Shells and conches
- Pebbles
- Arecanut peels
- Fallen tree branches
Permanent idols that last for a lifetime / generations:
- Stone (Marble, Black Stone etc.)
- Silver
- Brass
- Wood
- Ceramic
Recycled / reused materials:
Most of these materials are not for immersion in water. But they are great for recycling or distributing to the needy post celebration.
- Paper Mache
- Discarded newspapers
- Old notebooks
- Last year’s calendars
- Agricultural waste
- Agro-Residues
- Sawdust
- Weeds
- Paper cutlery and food packaging
- Glasses
- Spoons
- Plates
- Plastic
- Mineral and cold drink water bottles
- Soap wrappers
- Colourful snacks wrappers
- Electronic / Electric waste
- Plugs
- Sockets
- Damaged CD’s
- Gears
- Bulbs
- Automobile parts
- Disc brakes
- Fenders
- Clutch plates
- Flat / shaft gears
- Spark plugs
- Connecting rods
- Automobile chains
- Crank shafts
- Stationery
- Eraser
- Pencils
- Chalks
- Crayons
- Old toys
- Cars
- Trains
- Dolls
- Colourful balls
- Clothing
- Jari Sarees
- Colourful Dupattas
You can stuff your Ganesha idol with:
- Fish friendly food (dried corn, spinach, wheat and vegetable powder etc.)
- Plant seeds
How to Paint your Eco Friendly Ganesha Idol at Home?
Who doesn’t like bright shiny colours? Idols with gold, silver, diamonds and glitter look so attractive. Don’t they? Unfortunately, these chemical paints and dyes are not as good as they look. They are made up of dangerous heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, antimony and lead etc.
That’s why, just ditching the Plaster Of Paris (PoP) is not sufficient. Eco Friendly Ganesha Idols painted with Non bio-degradable Chemical Paints and Dyes are way more harmful than we can even think.
These metals are bio-accumulative. This means that once they enter inside the marine species like fish; they pass through the food chain and end up in the food that we eat. Oh my God! Really?
The worst part is yet to come. These metals are neurotoxic (poisonous to the nervous system) and nephrotoxic (damaging or destructive to the kidneys) in nature. So, consuming them unknowingly can cause heavy metal poisoning. Brighter the colour, the greater is its toxicity. Red, blue, orange and green colours are known to have higher content of mercury, zinc oxide, chromium and lead.
So, the most attractive, shiny and best looking Ganesha / Durga idol could be the worst nightmare for marine life.
Natural Vs. Chemical Paints and Dyes
Natural Colours | Chemical Paints And Dyes | |
Made up of | Natural elements like Turmeric, Geru, Fuller’s earth clay (Multani mitti) etc. | Heavy metals like Mercury, Cadmium, Antimony and Lead etc. |
Look | Bland and dull | Bright, shiny and attractive |
Popularity | Less | More |
Eco Friendly | Yes | No |
Can be made at home | Yes | No |
After dissolving in water | Do not harm the environment | Cause serious health and environmental hazards |
Hence, it is best to paint your idol with natural colours. You can make these colours from various natural ingredients like flowers. leaves, clay etc.
Ideas to paint your Eco Friendly Ganesha idol
Colour |
Material |
White Base colour | Thin layer of rice paste |
Skin colour | Fuller’s earth clay (Multani mitti) |
Gold / Yellow | Turmeric |
Red | Vermillion, Geru Clay, Beetroot |
Can eco-friendly idols replace POP completely?
All these super creative eco-friendly options are really good alternatives to POP idols. Aren’t they? But unfortunately, all these materials have their own limitations. Right? So, none of them actually has the strength to single-handedly replace the POP idols.
The combined effect of using various types of eco friendly idols can definitely make a difference. It’s definitely going to reduce the environmental damage to a great extent.
So, this festive season; I request everyone to go for eco-friendly idols. If the demand increases, more and more artists will start making such idols in bulk. This will also bring down the price of these idols; which is currently the major hurdle in buying them.
Are you in the Green Team or a Mean Team? Please comment and share your thoughts.
Be a responsible citizen. Remember, change starts with YOU.
Which of these idols is your favorite?
Thanks for reading! Hope you liked these unique eco friendly idols. Do you know any other innovative ideas on the same topic? They would be a great addition to this list.
Please drop your comments below. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
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Thanks for reading. Hope you liked my collection. Do you have any suggestions, experiences or innovative ideas to share? They would be super helpful!
If you see anything that needs to be removed / updated or added, please feel free to drop your comments below. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
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We have done eco friendly with 60000 pancha mukhi rudraksha for one year and with 1650 swetarka Ganesh small idols….. If you need pics, happy to share…..
Great, why not! I would love to publish them here.
Do you have these photos on your social media account? If yes, then please feel free to share the link here.
Hello , how to do with flowers can u please guide us.
Dear Vicharoo… We Green Gears-Gearing up for Green students Team led my Mr. Singuru Rajesh, Assistant Prof, Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatnam came up with an idea of Ganesh Idol made from Agro-residues that are burnt by farmers and cause pollution un knowingly… We received Nav Bharat Nirman Award in IISF-2019 for this Idea from Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India. we are the first to make it… we are planning to start a farmers cooperative society and with that farmers can get income from agroresidues… If you write an article us and our Idea.. it will bea support to farmers..
Sure! I would love to write about your unique concept. Thank you so much for sharing this idea.