There are many quotes, taglines, captions and slogans available on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) awareness online. I have shortlisted a few good awareness slogans and quotes to save your time and energy. Here they are!
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Autism, officially known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior.
It’s called a “spectrum” disorder because it includes a wide range of symptoms, skills, and levels of impairment, and individuals with ASD can vary significantly from one another.
Some may face significant difficulties, while others may exhibit unique strengths and talents.
Inspirational World Autism Awareness Day Slogans, Taglines and Captions
- Accept. Understand. Love
- Acceptance is the key
- Accommodation, not isolation
- Always unique, truly interesting
- Autism is my super power!
- Autism, embrace the amazing
- Autism: being different can be a good thing
- Autistic and proud
- Different, not less
- Differently abled, not disabled
- I am autistic, not weird
- It’s ok to be different
- Love us the way we are
- We are all unique
- Autism awareness: A journey of understanding
- Empowering individuals, educating communities
- Celebrate uniqueness
- Changing perspectives, expanding horizons
- Embrace the differences
- Embrace the uniqueness, share the love
- Autism: sweet souls, beautiful minds
- Being unique is our superpower
- Beyond the ordinary
- Breaking barriers, building acceptance
- Breaking barriers, celebrating differences
- Empathy, understanding, acceptance
- Igniting hope, empowering lives
- Promoting inclusion, unlocking potential
- Spread love, spread autism awareness
Popular Quotes and Facts on Autism Awareness
- “Together, we’ll beat autism.” — Ted Lindsay
- “Autism is an extremely variable disorder.” — Temple Grandin
- “Autism is a very serious condition.” — George Osborne
- “Autism is not a snapshot. It’s a life.” — Gerald Fischbach
- “Autism is a complicated illness, and children with a variety of treatments and non-treatments show improvement over time, which is all to the good.” — Harvey V. Fineberg
- “Autism is not a choice. Acceptance is. Imagine if the opposite was true.” — Stuart Duncan
- “Though Autism can be frightening and terribly demanding, it also comes with its vast share of superpowers that are unknown to the typical human.” — Andrea Suarez Paz
- “Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by two main components: an inability to interact socially with other people with joint attention to understand other people’s thoughts.” — Gerald Fischbach
- “Autism is a neurological disorder. It’s not caused by bad parenting. It’s caused by, you know, abnormal development in the brain. The emotional circuits in the brain are abnormal. And there also are differences in the white matter, which is the brain’s computer cables that hook up the different brain departments.” — Temple Grandin
- “Autism reaches out in many different directions. It can be associated with language delays. It can be associated with epilepsy. It can be associated with some degree of intellectual disability, but the two core features of autism, I see, is impairments and social cognition, understanding and in restricted interests and repetitive behaviors.” — Gerald Fischbach
- “There is a small segment of people with autism that have savant skills, where they can memorize entire maps of whole entire city. They can do calendar calculations. And this is similar to some of the skills that animals have.” — Temple Grandin
- “A person with autism lives in his own world, while a person with Asperger’s lives in our world, in a way of his own choosing” — Nicholas Sparks
- “Steve Jobs was probably mildly on the autistic spectrum. Basically, you’ve probably known people who were geeky and socially awkward but very smart. When does geeks and nerds become autism? That’s a gray area. Half the people in Silicon Valley probably have autism.” — Temple Grandin
- “If by some magic, autism had been eradicated from the face of the Earth, then men would still be socializing in front of a wood fire at the entrance to a cave.” — Temple Grandin
- “There is neither a cure for nor a way to repair autism. There is no implant like there is for the deaf.” — Andrew Solomon
- “Let’s get into talking about how autism is similar animal behavior. The thing is I don’t think in a language, and animals don’t think in a language. Its sensory based thinking, thinking in pictures, thinking in smells, thinking in touches. Its putting these sensory based memories into categories.” — Temple Grandin
- “One of the hardest things for a person with autism to do is believe in themselves. But autistics have every right to be as proud as anyone.” — Stuart Duncan
- “People with autism aren’t interested in social chit-chat.” — Temple Grandin
- “Autism isn’t something a person has, or a shell that a person is trapped inside. There’s no normal child hidden behind the autism. Autism is a way of being. It is pervasive; it colors every experience, every sensation, perception, thought, emotion and encounter – every aspect of existence. It is not possible to separate the autism from the person – and if it were possible, the person you’d have left would not be the same person you started with.” — Jim Sinclair
- “It seems that for success in science or art, a dash of autism is essential.” — Hans Asperger
- “Research demonstrates that autistic traits are distributed into the non-autistic population; some people have more of them, some have fewer. History suggests that many individuals whom we would today diagnose as autistic – some severely so – contributed profoundly to our art, our math, our science, and our literature.” — Morton Ann Gernsbacher
- “Mild autism can give you a genius like Einstein. If you have severe autism, you could remain nonverbal. You don’t want people to be on the severe end of the spectrum. But if you got rid of all the autism genetics, you wouldn’t have science or art. All you would have is a bunch of social ‘yak yaks.'” — Temple Grandin
- “What would happen if the autism gene was eliminated from the gene pool? You would have a bunch of people standing around in a cave, chatting and socializing and not getting anything done.” — Temple Grandin
- “Nobel prize-calibre geniuses often have certain core autistic features at their heart.” — Allan Snyder
- “There tends to be a lot of autism around the tech centers… when you concentrate the geeks, you’re concentrating the autism genetics.” — Temple Grandin
- “I think one of the problems with the definition of autism is we keep expanding it. It started as “early infantile autism”, and then it became “autism”, and now it’s “autism spectrum disorder”. I’m not opposed to that from the standpoint of trying to broaden our vistas, and so forth. But from a research point of view, the term autism is lost in specificity.” — Darold Treffert
Meaningful Quotes on Autism Awareness
- “Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability.” — Stuart Duncan
- “Yes, some people say ignorant things about autism but silencing them solves nothing. They need to be educated. That’s how things change.” — Stuart Duncan
- “If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” — Maya Angelou
- “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss
- “Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don’t fit into boxes.” — Tori Amos
- “The greatest strength of people with autism is their unique perspective.” — Temple Grandin
- “Children with Autism aren’t missing. Instead, they are off making discoveries” — Jacob Barnett
- “What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning.” – Chuck Grassley
- “A child with autism is not ignoring you, they are simply waiting for you to enter their world.” – Autism Treatment Center of America®
- “The most interesting people you’ll find are ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box. They’ll make what they need, they’ll make their own boxes.” – Dr. Temple Grandin
- “Autism, like a rainbow, has a bright side and a dark side and even though it can mean rough weather, it can be beautiful!” — Stuart Duncan
- “Not everything that steps out of line, and thus “abnormal”, must necessarily be “inferior”.” — Hans Asperger
- “If they can’t learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn.” — Ole Ivar Lovaas
- “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” — Albert Einstein
- “I know of nobody who is purely autistic, or purely neurotypical. Even God has some autistic moments, which is why the planets spin.” — Jerry Newport
- “Autism is defined by looking at behaviors. And everybody looks at behaviors differently.” — John Donvan
- “Autism doesn’t have to define a person. Artists with autism are like anyone else: They define themselves through hard work and individuality.” — Adrienne Bailon
- “If you have a 2 or 3 year old who is not talking, you must start an early intervention program. The worst thing you can do with an autistic 3 year old is to do nothing.” — Temple Grandin
- “Never underestimate someone with Autism, because there could be Brilliance struggling to get out.” — Stuart Duncan
- “To measure the success of our societies, we should examine how well those with different abilities, including persons with autism, are integrated as full and valued members.” — Ban Ki-moon
- “Some autistic people have savant skills. All autistic people do not have savant skills. Autism is a very variable disorder varying all the way from Einstein, emollient scientist, just a little bit of the trait, many scientist and engineers, down to somebody that’s going to remain nonverbal.” — Temple Grandin
- “Autism’s a very big spectrum. At one end of the spectrum, Einstein would probably be labeled autistic, Steve Jobs, half of Silicon Valley, you know, Van Gogh. And at the other end of the spectrum, you got much more severe handicaps where they never learn to speak.” — Temple Grandin
Emotional Experiences and Quotes on Autism
- “I am different, not less” — Temple Grandin
- “It’s not just the child that has autism. It’s the whole family that has autism. It’s not a one person thing.” — Ted Lindsay
- “Wanting to be free. Wanting to be me. Trying to make people see. And accept the real me.” – Scott Lentine
- “Having a child with Autism can mess with your head: You feel like you can move mountains for them yet you’re powerless at the same time.” — Stuart Duncan
- “As a parent with a child with autism, its been really tough to experience your child having autism.” — Deron Williams
- “For a long time our son ws a little boy with autism, which was a certain kind of challenge. Now that he’s a teenager with autism – and a teenager who notices girls – we’re faced with something else altogether.” — Claire LaZebnik
- “Sometimes we forget about common sense. Autism is used too much as an excuse for bad behavior.” — Temple Grandin
- “Working with children with autism has provided me with an opportunity to see the world in a different way. I see them strive to overcome obstacles and persevere, and learn to persevere myself. They are my inspiration.” — Clay Aiken
- “A lot of the hallmark behaviors of autism – flat affect, stimming, not looking someone in the eye – could very easily be misinterpreted as signs of guilt.” — Jodi Picoult
- “If I could snap my fingers and be nonautistic, I would not. Autism is part of what I am.” — Temple Grandin
- “Sometimes people say that kids with autism aren’t capable of love. That’s ridiculous. My son loves deeply. He’s just doesn’t communicate well.” — Claire LaZebnik
- “I have two young children with autism. What could they have ever done to deserve that? What kind of a God allows the innocent to suffer? It’s a mystery. Yet still, I believe in God.” — Fred Melamed
- “If you can’t see the gift in having a child with autism, you’re focusing too much on the autism and not enough on the child.” — Stuart Duncan
- “Don’t think that there’s a different, better child ‘hiding’ behind the autism. This is your child. Love the child in front of you. Encourage his strengths, celebrate his quirks, and improve his weaknesses, the way you would with any child.” — Claire LaZebnik
- “Hope is the greatest thing for moms of autism. Hope is what gets us out of bed in the morning. I’m on a mission to tell parents that there is a way.” — Jenny McCarthy
- “Hugs may come less frequently from someone with autism but when they do, you know it means ” — Stuart Duncan
- “Children with special needs inspire a very, very special love.” — Sarah Palin
- “My son was diagnosed with autism. He’s OK, he makes eye contact, but he doesn’t talk. He needs eight hours a day of very intensive school, and you wouldn’t even believe me if I told you how much it costs.” — Steve Earle
- “Normal people have an incredible lack of empathy. They have good emotional empathy, but they don’t have much empathy for the autistic kid who is screaming at the baseball game because he can’t stand the sensory overload. Or the autistic kid having a meltdown in the school cafeteria because there’s too much stimulation.” — Temple Grandin
- “Adults don’t get nearly the attention and support the kids do, maybe because they’re not as cute or because people forget that autism is lifelong. But it is.” — John Donvan
- “Being a typical teenager isn’t easy. When you have autism, it can be extra difficult. We need more public awareness about these hurdles as well as compassion towards these young people.” — Holly Robinson Peete
- “As a mom, you worry about protecting your kid. But there are extra added layers of fears when you’re talking about a kid with autism or who has some special needs issue.” — Holly Robinson Peete
- “My life – autism’s an important part of it, but it bothers me when I see kids where autism and their autism is the only thing they think about. I’d rather have them think about, you know, some art work they were gonna do or some science they wanted to do.” — Temple Grandin
- “I’m seeing too many kids where they get fixated on their own autism. I’d rather have them get fixated that they like programming computers or they like art or they want to sing in the church choir or they want to train dogs, you know, something that they can turn into a career.” — Temple Grandin
- “Everyone has a mountain to climb and autism has not been my mountain, it has been my opportunity for victory.” – Rachel Barcellona
Famous Awareness Quotes on the Causes of Autism
- “The genetics of autism are real, but there are also environmental triggers.” — Elizabeth Emken
- “I’m not a doctor or scientist. I’m just a mom. But I do think there’s a genetic predisposition, and there are environmental triggers. I feel like that combination, in my child’s case, is what resulted in autism.” — Holly Robinson Peete
- “I strongly believe as a mother, as does my husband, that there are certain contributing factors that lead to autism and some of it is very much the chemicals in our environment and in our food.” — Kelly Preston
- “One out of every six American women has so much mercury in her womb that her children are at risk for a grim inventory of diseases, including autism, blindness, mental retardation and heart, liver and kidney disease.” — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
- “Vaccination programs were instituted in the late 1930s, and the first handful of autistic babies were noted in the early 1940s. When vaccination programs were expanded after the war, the number of autistic children increased greatly.” — Harris L Coulter
- “A child gets vaccinated and soon after, autism symptoms emerge. The apparent cause-and-effect is understandable but erroneous – more a coincidence of the calendar and childhood developmental stages than anything else, as repeated and exhaustive studies have shown.” — Jeffrey Kluger
- “I am the father of a 9 year-old son whose descent into the world of autism began at the age of 7 months old after receiving numerous vaccinations in a single day; the same story that is told by thousands of other parents of children throughout the country whose healthy, normally developing children have become autistic after vaccinations.” — Rick Rollens
- “Let me see if I can put this in scientific terms: Think of autism like a fart, and vaccines are the finger you pull to make it happen.” — Jenny McCarthy
- “The idea that vaccines are a primary cause of autism is not as crackpot as some might wish. Autism’s 60-fold rise in 30 years matches a tripling of the US vaccine schedule.” — Jenny McCarthy
- “Asking the public health community to investigate the role of vaccines in the development of autism is like asking the tobacco industry to investigate the link between lung cancer and smoking.” — Rick Rollens
- “I know children regress after vaccination because it happened to my own son. Why aren’t there any tests out there on the safety of how vaccines are administered in the real world, six at a time? Why have only two of the 36 shots our kids receive been looked at for their relationship to autism?” — Jenny McCarthy
- “Without a doubt in my mind, I believe that vaccinations triggered Evan’s autism.” — Jenny McCarthy
- “We have learned that a majority of parents whose children have late-onset or acquired autism believe it is vaccine-related. They deserve answers. We have also learned that the parents have been our best investigators in looking for both causes of autism and for treatments.” — Dan Burton
- “Vaccines are extremely well tested; their safety is well understood. The false allegations about vaccines causing autism have been disproven. But there are still echoes out there confusing people.” — Bill Gates
- “In different places you run into myths around vaccination or around family planning. In the United States, one of the myths that existed for a long time, that has been completely debunked, was that autism was linked to a vaccine.” — Melinda Gates
Funny Quotes on Autism
- “If you start using a medication in a person with autism, you should see an obvious improvement in behavior in a short period of time. If you do not see an obvious improvement, they probably should not be taking the stuff. It is that simple.” — Temple Grandin
- “There is a huge boom in autism right now because inattentive mothers and competitive dads want an explanation for why their dumb-ass kids can’t compete academically, so they throw money into the happy laps of shrinks . . . to get back diagnoses that help explain away the deficiencies of their junior morons. I don’t give a [bleep] what these crackerjack whack jobs tell you – yer kid is NOT autistic. He’s just stupid. Or lazy. Or both.” — Denis Leary
- “People talk about curing autism. But if you got rid of all those traits, who’s going to make the next computer?” — Temple Grandin
- “The truth can finally be told: Donald Trump’s autism was caused by a vaccination that went terribly wrong; this explains why he can’t relate to other people.” — Michael R. Burch
List of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) related days observed worldwide
Date | Day |
2 April | World Autism Awareness Day |
April-Full Month | Autism Acceptance Month |
18 June | Autistic Pride Day |
Thanks for reading. Hope you liked my collection. Do you have any suggestions, experiences or innovative ideas to share? They would be super helpful!
If you see anything that needs to be removed / updated or added, please feel free to drop your comments below. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
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