There are hundreds of Anti Junk Food / Fast Food & Soft Drinks quotes, taglines and slogans available online. I have shortlisted few good slogans and quotes to save your time and energy. Here they are!
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Anti Junk Food / Fast Food Slogans, Taglines, Instagram Captions & Quotes
- Dunk the Junk
- No Junk, Know Health!
- Eat junk less, to get fit into your dress
- Don’t be a fool, avoid junk food
- Fast-food junkies, mindless donkeys
- There is a reason they call it ‘junk’ food.
- Junk belongs to the trash
- For your health’s sake, skip the chips and the cake!
- Drop the fries, to reduce the thighs
- You are what you eat, so stop eating crap
- North or South, don’t put junk in your mouth
- Junk food go away, fruits and veggies are here to stay!
- Avoid Junk food with ease, to be devoid of obese
- Who is eating who?
- Put it in the waste – not on your waist
- Cut the crap that keeps you in the trap!
- Watch what you eat, ditch junk to stay fit
- Your stomach is not a dustbin; don’t fill it with junk
- Don’t buy into junk food hype, eat fruits and veggies that are fresh and ripe
- Don’t junk your body; say no to junk food
- Fast food, slow health: choose wisely
- Eat smart, skip the junk
- Burgers and fries won’t make you wise
- Life’s too short for bad food
- Fuel your body, not your cravings
- Don’t trade your health for convenience
- Quality over quantity: choose real food
- Junk food: instant gratification, long-term regret
- Your body deserves better than junk
- Fast food: slow poison
- Savor life, not junk food
- Fast food fades, health stays
- Your body deserves better than fast food
- Fast food is quick regret
- Say no to junk, say yes to real food
- Your health is priceless; junk food isn’t
- Fast food: easy in, hard on health
- Break free from fast food chains
Popular Quotes on Anti Junk Food / Fast Food
- “I don’t eat fast food – and neither should you!” — Kendall Schmidt
- “Unhealthy eating habits cause major health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease, and can also lead to food insecurity, disrupted eating patterns, and low self-esteem.” — Matt Cartwright
- “The idea behind fast food is great – people want convenience.” — Kimbal Musk
- “The problem is when that fun stuff becomes the habit. And I think that’s what’s happened in our culture. Fast food has become the everyday meal.” — Michelle Obama
- “Fast food is both evil and genius. Because of it we can feed a large number of people fairly decently at an affordable price. However, all the artificial flavors and artificial ingredients in some of their products are unacceptable. And it’s designed so you can eat fast so you get back to work more quickly. Not good.” — Eric Ripert
- “America’s most dangerous export was, is and always will be our fast-food outlets.” — Anthony Bourdain
- “If it tastes good, spit it out. All those cakes and pies and candy and ice cream — all that terrible fast food stuff! I just bought a new corvette sports car … would I put oil in the gas tank? Would I?” — Jack LaLanne
- “Oh yes, there’s lots of great food in America. But the fast food is about as destructive and evil as it gets. It celebrates a mentality of sloth, convenience, and a cheerful embrace of food we know is hurting us.” — Anthony Bourdain
- “In 1970, Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000, they spent more than $110 billion. Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music—combined.” — Eric Schlosser
- “To a significant degree, we are an overfed and undernourished nation digging an early grave with our teeth, and lacking the energy that could be ours because we overindulge in junk foods.” — Ezra Taft Benson
- “Consider our difficulties avoiding junk food and overspending. Such addictions were carefully planned-for by professional marketing teams.” — Robert J. Shiller
- “I wouldn’t go in a fast food outlet even to use the toilet.” — Jonny Wilkinson
- “We’re all moving at such a high rate that we have to grab frozen dinners and McDonald’s. We can’t make it a way of life – we have to get back to real, simple, clean good foods. It will save our lives on so many levels; not just spina bifida, but obesity, diabetes, everything. Food is our medicine.” — Nicole Ari Parker
Fast / Junk Food Addiction in Children Slogans & Quotes | National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
- Good schools, avoid fast foods
- Fast food makes you slow
- Eat fast, to always stay last
- Listen to your mummy, junk food is not good for your tummy
- Junk food is yummy, but it spoils your tummy
- Superheroes don’t eat junk
Popular Quotes on Fast Food Addiction in Children
- “The fact that most kids aren’t eating at home with their families any more really means they are eating elsewhere. They are eating out there in fast food nation.” — Alice Waters
- “We have these weapons of mass destruction on every street corner, and they’re called donuts, cheeseburgers, French fries, potato chips, junk food. Our kids are living on a junk food diet.” — Joel Fuhrman
- “School is where children spend most of their time, and it is where we lay the foundation for healthy habits. That’s why New Jersey is the first state to adopt a comprehensive school nutrition policy that bans candy, soda, and other junk food.” — Richard Codey
- “As I see it, fast food outfits have targeted small children with their advertising in a very effective way. You know, it’s clowns and kid’s toys and bright colours and things like that.” — Anthony Bourdain
- “We are spending millions, if not billions of dollars every year on programs to fight the childhood obesity epidemic while giving almost $2 billion of taxpayer money to the junk food and fast food industries to make the epidemic worse.” — Dennis Kucinich
- “As a chef and father, it kills me that children are fed processed foods, fast food clones, foods loaded with preservatives and high-fructose corn syrup.” — Jose Andres
- “I actually saw a kid and went home and drew him, I don’t even know who he was. I was buying a TV set in Circuit City, I was looking at this kid and he was kind of standing there, staring off into space. Kids are pretty chubby nowadays because of all the fast-food places. I grew up eating fast food but now everything is double beef and double cheese. So there are a lot of these chubby boys with long, baggy shorts.” — Mike Judge
- “Our kids didn’t do this to themselves. They don’t decide the sugar content in soda or the advertising content of a television show. Kids don’t choose what’s served to them for lunch at school, and shouldn’t be deciding what’s served to them for dinner at home. And they don’t decide whether there’s time in the day or room in the budget to learn about healthy eating or to spend time playing outside.” — Michelle Obama
- “You cannot expect your children to be happy eating esoteric beige-colored foods when their friends get soda pop, Snickers, and Twinkies.” — Jane Fonda
Anti Cold Drink / Soft Drinks Slogans & Quotes | World Diabetes Day
Soft drinks are loaded with sugar and other harmful chemicals. Their over consumption can lead to obesity, diabetes and even heart related issues.
Soft drinks have been also linked to an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. High levels of sugar in it bumps up insulin and encourages cancer cell growth.
Anti Cold Drink / Soft Drinks Slogans
- Say NO to carbonated drinks
- Soft drinks are full of sugar
- Soft drinks: Hidden sugar, open threat
- Don’t get drowned in the soda
- Rethink your drink
- More soda, lower fertility
- Soft drinks cause tooth decay; don’t drink, just stay away
- Soft drinks=Weak bones
- Take a hard look at soft drinks
- Soda consumption, disturbs body’s function
- Soft drinks are loaded with sugar,
too much of it can make health issues bigger - Cold drinks contain a lot of sugar,
drinking them can make your health problems bigger - Water: the ultimate cool drink
- Chill out with water, not cold drinks
- Keep your cool, avoid cold drinks
- Refresh naturally, skip the cold drinks
- Beat the heat with smart choices, not cold drinks
- Your health deserves better than cold drinks
- Cold drinks freeze your health
- Sip smart, live well
- Hydrate for health, not hype
- Cold drinks cool your taste buds, not your body
- Refresh with water, not empty calories
- Quench your thirst with good choices, not cold drinks
Popular Anti Cold Drink / Soft Drinks Quotes
- “Soft drinks: The gooey, bubbly sea drowning our American children.” — Marlene Dietrich
- “There’s a real strong link today between soda consumption and obesity among children.” — Eric Schlosser
- “I did a soft drink ad some time back. Later, a mother came to me and said that her child started consuming more of that drink after seeing my ad. It made me measure my actions. Shriya Saran
- “Twenty years ago, teenage boys in the United States drank twice as much milk as soda; now they drink twice as much soda as milk.” — Eric Schlosser
- “I don’t drink soft drinks. I remember someone saying to me that having a soft drink with a meal is like having two meals.” — Rebecca Breeds
- “We frequently hear of people dying from too much drinking. That this happens is a matter of record. But the blame is always placed on whisky. Why this should be I never could understand. You can die from drinking too much of anything – coffee, water, milk, soft drinks and all such stuff as that.” — W. C. Fields
- “Though all soft drinks are acidic, dark ones like Coke and Pepsi are the most acidic and it has been found that it takes 32 glasses of high PH alkaline water to neutralize a glass of cola. So acidic are some of these drinks that they can be and are often used to clean corrosion of car battery terminals, and can even be used to clean toilet bowls.” — Prashant Bhushan
- “We need to demonise soda, the way we’ve demonised cigarettes.” — Mark Bittman
- “Diet sodas contain a chemical sweetener called Aspartame, which is a potent neurotoxin and endocrine disrupter. Another key ingredient of soft drinks is phosphoric acid, which is added to give it ‘bite.’ Phosphoric acid is well known to cause tooth rot, bone loss, osteoporosis and gastro intestinal distress. ” — Prashant Bhushan
- “You can have a soda every once in awhile, but don’t drink a gallon of it a day.” — Rick Harrison
- “If you don’t eat right as an athlete, you’ll get tired and won’t be as sharp. It’s simple to drink sodas and sports drinks, but water is the most essential drink to put in your body.” — Troy Polamalu
- “I ordered a soda – caffeine-free, low sodium, no artificial flavors. They brought me a glass of water.” — Robert E. Murray
- “Another advantage of avoiding sodas is that you will avoid the caffeine that is in many of them. Caffeine is a weak diuretic that causes calcium loss via the kidneys.” — Neal Barnard
Effects of Junk / Fast Food on Health Slogans & Quotes | World Obesity Day
- Junk food is injurious to health
- Fast food = Fast death
- Eat fast, die young!
- Eat junk, for a bigger trunk
- Fast food or a fat food?
- Junk food is a fat food
- Bigger snacks, bigger slacks.
- Your fast food can be your last food.
- Fast foods are for taste, and not for a slim waist
- Cheese: A moment on the lips, forever on your hips
- He who indulges, bulges
- Fat lasts longer than flavour
- Pizza: A slice a day, keeps the lean figure away.
- You’ll huff and puff, if you eat a lot of stuff
- Fast foods have great taste, but they also cause shapeless waist.
- Eating pizzas and burgers daily, Invites a perfectly round belly!
- Fast foods are really fast in taking you to your grave
- The journey of a thousand pounds begins with a single burger.
- Pizza: The journey of a thousand pounds begins with a single Slice.
Popular Quotes on Effects of Junk / Fast Food on Health
- “Fast food is inexpensive, convenient, and it tastes good. I’m all in favor of that. My problem is how heavily processed it is – how full of salt, fat, and sugar it is.” — Eric Schlosser
- “Most fast food is fried. Fried food tastes great, and people don’t seem to care about the fat aspect.” — Eric Schlosser
- “Fast food is popular because it’s convenient, it’s cheap, and it tastes good. But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu.” — Eric Schlosser
- “The current fast food that we have is inexpensive when you buy it, but the long-term costs of eating it and the long-term costs to society, are much too high. This cheap food, when you add up all the total costs, is much too expensive.” — Eric Schlosser
- “In twentieth-century Old Earth, a fast food chain took dead cow meat, fried it in grease, added carcinogens, wrapped it in petroleum-based foam, and sold nine hundred billion units. Human beings. Go figure.” — Dan Simmons
- “You won’t get my kind of body if you eat junk food.” — The Great Khali
- “Everyone would be healthier if they didn’t eat junk food.” — Robert Atkins
- “You can’t have a healthy civilization without healthy soil. You can’t have junk food and have healthy people.” — Joel Salatin
- “If I eat junk food and have a workout the next day, I feel a significant difference in the way my body responds to exercise. Im sluggish, tired and run out of energy very quickly.” — Josie Loren
- “There are young people today that move like old people from eating too much junk food and not getting enough exercise.” — Dharma Mittra
- “I think it’s good to eat a bit of everything, but when you eat too much junk food, it’s bad for you and for your brain. You don’t understand why, but you feel sad. It’s because of the junk food!” — Stromae
- “Unhealthy diets and junk foods accumulate and eventually you’ll die.” — Seohyun
Healthy Homemade Food Vs Junk / Fast Food Slogans & Quotes
- East or west, home food is the best
- Healthy food blesses us, junk food messes us
- Junk food leads to painful life, Healthy food leads to happy life!
- Junk food is only to taste, but home food is always best.
- Eat your veggies-have less wedgies!
- Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Ditch Junk Food
- Homemade food is good for your tummy;
that’s why ‘No to Junk food’ says your mummy - Cook from the heart, eat for health
- Eating well is a form of self-respect
- Real food, real happiness
- Bite into health, not calories
- Nourish your body, not your cravings
- Choose food that loves you back
- Homemade happiness on every plate
- Wholesome meals, happy hearts
- Your kitchen: where health begins
- Savor the flavor of homemade goodness
- Home-cooked love, healthier lives
- The best ingredients are the ones you choose
- Home is where the healthy food is
- Homemade: a recipe for wellness
- Taste the goodness, skip the guilt
- Homemade food, happy families
- Eat well, feel well, live well
- The joy of homemade cooking
- Real food, real taste, real health
- Homemade: where taste meets health
- Nourish your body, feed your soul
- Every bite counts: choose homemade
- The kitchen: your healthy haven
- Homemade meals: made with love and nutrients
- Homemade: the ultimate fast track to wellness
- Quality over speed: choose homemade
- Ditch the grease, embrace homemade peace
- Real ingredients, real nutrition, real living
- Homemade flavor, zero regrets
- Taste the freedom of homemade choices
- Cook for health, not convenience
- Homemade: where freshness meets fitness
Popular Quotes on Healthy Homemade Food Vs Junk / Fast Food
- “I love home cooking, and I’m not a great one for fast food.” — Bear Grylls
- “By eating many fruits and vegetables in place of fast food and junk food, people could avoid obesity.” — David H. Murdock
- “I think that there’s some brainwashing going on with this idea that we don’t have time to cook anymore. We have made cooking seem much more complicated than it is, and part of that comes from watching cooking shows on television-we’ve turned cooking into a spectator sport. …My wife and I both work, and we can get a very nice dinner on the table in a half hour. It would not take any less time for us to drive to a fast-food outlet and order, sit down, and bus our table.” — Michael Pollan
- “Stop eating ‘dead’ foods: junk, fried, and fast foods, as well as processed carbs. They’re loaded with sugar and other additives. The more live foods we eat (fruits and vegetables), the more alive we feel. The more dead foods we eat…well, you get the idea.” — Tony Horton
- “Eat all the junk food you want – as long as you cook it yourself. That way, it’ll be less junky, and you won’t eat it every day because it’s a lot of work.” — Michael Pollan
Funny Fast / Junk Food Slogans & Quotes
- Square box, round pizza, triangle slices, now that’s confusing.
- Pizza: The only love triangle I want
- All my life I thought the air was free. Until I bought a bag of chips.
- “To me, fast food is when a cheetah eats an antelope.” — George Carlin
- “Sorry to hear about your Dad.” He shrugged. “He was seventy, and we always told him fast food would kill him.” “Heart attack?” “He was hit by a Pizza Express truck.” — J.A. Konrath
- “The American political system is like fast food – mushy, insipid, made out of disgusting parts of things and everybody wants some.” — P. J. O’Rourke
- “Popcorn is one of the only situations in which you eat the result of an explosion.” — Demetri Martin
- “You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six.” — Yogi Berra
- “I love pizza. I want to marry it, but it would just be to eat her family at the wedding.” — Mike Birbiglia
List of Anti Junk Food / Fast Food Awareness Days Observed Worldwide
Date | Day |
22-28 February | National Eating Disorder Awareness Week (NEDA) |
4 March | World Obesity Day |
7 April | World Health Day |
6 May | International No Diet Day |
September-Full Month | National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month |
September-Full Month | National Cholesterol Education Month |
14 November | World Diabetes Day |
Thanks for reading. Hope you liked my collection. Do you have any suggestions, experiences or innovative ideas to share? They would be super helpful!
If you see anything that needs to be removed / updated or added, please feel free to drop your comments below. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
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