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130+ Best Leopard Day Quotes, Puns & Sayings

    Best & Catchy Save Leopard quotes, slogans, Instagram captions, proverbs, sayings, funny puns, jokes & one liners | International Leopard Day

    There are hundreds of Quotes and slogans available on Leopard online. I have shortlisted few good slogans, quotes, puns and proverbs to save your time and energy. Here they are!

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    Save Leopards Slogans, Taglines & Instagram Captions | International Leopard Day

    1. Save the Leopards
    2. Leopards are disappearing
    3. Save the monarch of the jungles
    4. Save these majestic creatures
    5. Protect and respect
    6. Young, wild and free
    7. Born to be wild
    8. Act before it vanishes forever
    9. Let’s save Leopards
    10. I love Leopards, Do you?
    11. Let’s join hands to save Leopards
    12. Don’t let me disappear
    13. Will your grandchildren see a live Leopard?
    14. Together we can save Leopards
    15. Save Leopard, Save life… Save planet
    16. Live & let live
    17. Jungles and Leopards are made for each other.
    18. Without them, the world will not be the same. Save Leopard
    19. Save the Leopards before they start living just in our stories.
    20. Nature is not against Leopards, why are you?
    21. Once the Leopard is history, it won’t repeat itself…
    22. Don’t let the Leopards go missing from the planet. Save them.
    23. Poor Leopards are losing their habitat;
      Let’s save forests, don’t just chitchat
    24. Don’t kill the beauty of the forests
    25. I am a treasure, not a trophy. Stop trophy hunting
    26. Your hobby kills a life. Stop trophy hunting
    27. Want to shoot Leopards?… Use cameras!
    28. Shoot them, but with a camera.
    29. Leopards have a family too. Don’t kill them for your fun.
    30. My mom never came back. Say NO to Trophy hunting
    31. What is my crime?
    32. Keep calm & save the Leopard
    33. You can’t love nature with a gun.
    34. Have a heart, do your part. Save the Leopard.
    35. Fight for the Leopard’s right

    1. Fur is not fair
    2. Save our furry friends
    3. Real people wear fake fur
    4. Fur is the Greed, not the Need
    5. Don’t wear your friends
    6. Make compassion, the fashion. Don’t use fur
    7. Cavemen wore fur. Have you evolved?
    8. You can live without fur. Leopards can’t.
    9. Fur: Beautiful on Leopards, ugly on people
    10. Love Leopards, don’t wear them
    11. Wear fake, for the Leopard’s sake
    12. When the buying of the fur stops, killings too
    13. Are your fancy jackets worth killing a Leopard?
    14. Fur is worn by beautiful Leopards and heartless people
    15. Wearing fur is not our need,
      Don’t kill Leopards for your greed
    16. Don’t get caught in the fashion trap,
      Wearing fur is absolutely crap
    17. Being ‘Extinct’ Stinks!
    18. Extinction is forever
    19. If Leopards are lost,
      we will pay the cost.
    20. The ones who have no voice, need you to speak up.
    21. Let’s unite as one,
      saving Leopards is just so fun
    22. Help save their existence,
      Leopards need your assistance
    23. For the Leopards you must fight, so they won’t disappear out of sight
    24. Leopards are rapidly fading away;
      can’t we help them in some way?
    25. It’s no fun to be endanger;
      show you care, don’t be a stranger.
    26. Only if we understand… we can care;
      Only if we care…we will help;
      Only if we help… they shall be saved

    Save Leopards / Leopard Conservation Quotes

    1. “A world without leopards, well, who would want to live in it?” — Diana Vreeland
    2. “Leopard coats are fantastic. But on the leopard.” — Amanda Blake
    3. “You don’t see sick animals in the wild. You don’t see lame animals in the wild, and its all because of the predator: the lion, the tiger, the leopard, all the cats.” — Tippi Hedren
    4. “These magnificent species of Africa – elephants, rhino, lions, leopards, cheetah, the great apes (Africa has four of the world’s five great apes) – this is a treasure for all humanity, and they are not for sale. They are not for trade. They need to be valued and preserved by humanity. We all need a global commitment to that.” — Patrick Bergin
    5. “Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it alright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.” ― Henry David Thoreau
    6. “Clothing was no problem at all. Everybody wore leopard skins… Everybody except the leopards.” — Heck Allen

    Funny & Family Friendly Puns, Jokes & Riddles on Leopard

    1. Why do leopards are so bad at playing hide and seek?
      ― Because he’s always spotted.
    2. Why leopards are a great chef?
      ― The taste is spot on
    3. Which side of a leopard has more spots?
      ― The outside
    4. Why is it hard to find a leopard in Africa?
      ― They don’t want to be spotted

    Popular Quotes on Leopard

    1. “A leopard does not change his spots, or change his feeling that spots are rather a credit.” — Ivy Compton-Burnett
    2. “Mother Nature is always speaking. She speaks in a language understood within the peaceful mind of the sincere observer. Leopards, cobras, monkeys, rivers and trees; they all served as my teachers when I lived as a wanderer in the Himalayan foothills.” — Radhanath Swami
    3. “A leopard doesn’t change his spots just because you bring him in from the jungle and try to housebreak him and turn him into a pet. He may learn to sheathe his claws in order to beg a few scraps off the dinner table, and you may teach him to be a beast of burden, but it doesn’t pay to forget that he’ll al ways be what he was born: a wild animal.” — George Lincoln Rockwell
    4. “You can’t get a leopard to change his spots. In fact, now that I come to think of it, you can’t really get a leopard to appreciate the notion that it has spots. You can explain it carefully to the leopard, but it will just sit there looking at you, knowing that you are made of meat. After a while it will perhaps kill you.” — Geoffrey K. Pullum
    5. “You’re like this leopard who’s pretending to be a house cat.” — Holly Black
    6. “The Ethiopian cannot change his skin nor the leopard his spots.” — Henry David Thoreau
    7. “I went to South Africa on safari and came eye to eye with a beautiful leopard. We were so close; I was staring at him for a long time and I felt a recognition with my own nature.” — Bai Ling
    8. “We all know the leopard can’t change his stripes.” — Al Gore

    1. “The African leopard is an audacious animal, although it is ungrateful of me to say a word against him, after the way he has let me off personally … taken as a whole, he is the most lovely animal I have ever seen; only seeing him, in the one way you can gain a full idea of his beauty, namely in his native forest, is not an unmixed joy to a person, like myself, of a nervous disposition.” — Mary Kingsley
    2. “There are going to be animals in Heaven. The prophet Isaiah said that the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, … and the lion shall eat straw like the ox (Isaiah 11:6-9).” — David Berg
    3. “Kilimanjaro is a snow-covered mountain 19,710 feet high, and is said to be the highest mountain in Africa. Its western summit is called the Masai ‘Ngaje Ngai’, the House of God. Close to the western summit there is a dried and frozen carcas of a leopard. No one has explained what the leopard was seeking at that altitude.” — Ernest Hemingway
    4. “If you took the city of Tokyo and turned it upside down and shook it you would be amazed at the animals that fall out: badgers, wolves, boa constrictors, crocodiles, ostriches, baboons, capybaras, wild boars, leopards, manatees, ruminants, in untold numbers. There is no doubt in my mind that that feral giraffes and feral hippos have been living in Tokyo for generations without seeing a soul.” — Yann Martel

    1. “If you’re Maasai Mara National Park in Kenya, if you’re in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, you don’t get out of your vehicle and go walking around amid the lions and the leopards. You stay in your Land Rover. You stay in your safari van, and you look out the windows or you look out the pop top at these animals. I know by experience how badly that can work out if you violate those guidelines.” — David Quammen
    2. “Leopards, that is ordinary forest leopards, do not like rain and invariably seek shelter, but the man eater was not an ordinary leopard, and there was no knowing what his likes or dislikes were, or what he might or might not do.” — Jim Corbett
    3. “Oh a leopard can’t change his spots, And oil and water can’t mix, But I have recently heard an old dog learned new tricks.” — John Rox

    Wise & Inspirational Quotes on Leopard

    1. “Lions make leopards tame.” — William Shakespeare
    2. “Be motivated like the falcon, hunt gloriously. Be magnificent as the leopard, fight to win. Spend less time with nightingales and peacocks. One is all talk, the other only color.” — Rumi
    3. “Men are so charmed with valor that they have pleased themselves with being called lions, leopards, eagles and dragons, from the animals contemporary with us in the geologic formations.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
    4. “Evolution is a process that never stops. Baboons who fail to exhibit moral behavior do not survive; they wind up as meat for leopards.” — Robert A. Heinlein
    5. “The leopard is a cruel lover. His tenderness breaks the gazelle’s heart.” — Aleksandr Voinov
    6. “Eye easily deceived. Same leopard can hide behind different spots.” — Lester Ziffren
    7. “What does the leopard teach us? Not to be intimidated by animals that outweigh him. To be fearless and daring.” — J.D. Jacobs Changing
    8. “Eye easily deceived. Same leopard can hide behind different spots.” — Lester Ziffren

    Funny Quotes on Leopard

    1. “There’s so much plastic in this culture that vinyl leopard skin is becoming an endangered synthetic.” — Lily Tomlin
    2. “The only way a no-legged leopard could hurt you is if it fell out of a tree onto your head.” — Ellen DeGeneres
    3. “I don’t have to be logical. I’m a leopard. We’re considered wild animals, you know.” — Amy Neftzger

    Leopard Print Clothing & Fashion Quotes

    1. “I just love leopard print.” — Serena Williams
    2. “My weakness is wearing too much leopard print.” — Jackie Collins
    3. “I’ve never met a leopard print I didn’t like.” — Diana Vreeland
    4. “As I always say, leopard print is a neutral.” — Leandra Medine
    5. “I love anything leopard print, but sometimes an all over print can be a bit much.” — Ashley Madekwe
    6. “The message of a leopard-print jumpsuit is clear: I am a huntress who delights in eating the offal of her prey.” — Simon Doonan
    7. “Oh, no, a leopard blew up and plastered itself all over everything, but hey, animal print was in this year.” — Laurell K. Hamilton
    8. “I’ve always been into leopard print. No joke, when I was 14 years old I wanted my entire room to be covered in it.” — Kim Kardashian
    9. “The main part of the house is a deep red and I have butterscotch carpet. And I have a bathroom with leopard skin floor, wallpaper and toilet.” — Macy Gray
    10. “Leopard print has been my thing forever! When I was a teenager my entire room was done in leopard print – it’s timeless, chic, and always in style. When in doubt… leopard!” — Khloe Kardashian

    Traditional Proverbs & Sayings on Leopard

    1. “A leopard cannot change his spots.” — Latin Proverb
    2. “The rain wets the leopard’s spots but does not wash them off.” — Akan Proverb
    3. “When a leopard dies, he leaves his coat. when a man dies, he leaves his name.” — Chinese Proverb
    4. “When the leopard has a broken paw, the antellope comes to collect an old debt.” — Igbo Proverb
    5. “Every hill has its leopard.” — African Proverb
    6. “After dark all cats are leopards.” — Native American Zuni Proverb
    7. “The leopard does not sleep on a dry branch.” — African Proverb
    8. “Though the leopard is fierce, it does not devour its cubs.” — African Proverb
    9. “It’s out of ignorance that a goat will attend a leopard’s party.” — African Proverb
    10. “When the leopard is away, his cubs are eaten.” — Rwandan Proverb
    11. “A stick at the neighbours cannot drive out a leopard at your home.” — African Proverb
    12. “Even the small leopard is called leopard.” — African Proverb
    13. “Goats cannot live in a herd of leopards.” — African Proverb
    14. “If you have escaped the jaws of the crocodile while bathing in the river, you will surely meet a leopard on the way.” — African Proverb
    15. “The son shoots a leopard; the father is proud.” — Congolese Proverb
    16. “Try not to get hold of a leopard’s tail, but if you do… don’t let go.” — Ethiopian Proverb
    17. “When will the goat be strong enough to kill a leopard.” — Nigerian Proverb
    18. “The skin of the leopard is beautiful, but not his heart.” — Baluba proverb
    19. “The son of the leopard scratches like its mother.” — Kikuyu Proverb
    20. “By seeing one spot you know the entire leopard.” — Japanese Proverb
    21. “The power of a leopard resides in its claws.” — African Proverb
    22. “Leopards lurk in dark corners.” — Nigerian Proverb
    23. “The eye of the leopard is on the goat, and the eye of the goat is on the leaf.” — Ethiopian Proverb

    List of Leopard Related Days Celebrated Worldwide

    3 MayInternational Leopard Day
    4 AugustInternational Clouded Leopard Day
    23 OctoberWorld Snow Leopard Day


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