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58+ Osteoporosis Awareness Day Slogans & Quotes

    There are many quotes, taglines, captions and slogans available on Osteoporosis Awareness online. I have shortlisted a few good awareness slogans and quotes to save your time and energy. Here they are!  

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    Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and brittle due to reduced bone density. Such bones may break from a fall or, in serious cases, from sneezing or minor bumps.

    Slogans & Quotes

    Osteoporosis Awareness Slogans, Taglines & Captions | World Osteoporosis Day

    1. Love your bones
    2. Strong bones, stronger you
    3. How dense are you?
    4. Strong women, strong bones
    5. Bone health matters
    6. Bones of steel, not of glass
    7. Break the chain of weak bones
    8. Break the myths, build your bones
    9. Build, protect, strengthen
    10. Break the silence, build the strength
    11. Break the silence, not your bones
    12. Say yes to painless life
    13. Say yes to pain-free life
    14. Live the active lifestyle
    15. Happiness is painless
    16. Lose pain, find life
    17. Break-free from weakness
    18. Break-free living
    19. Breaking barriers, building bones
    20. Build, protect, strengthen
    21. Don’t let your bones break
    22. From fragile to resilient
    23. Healthy bones, happy life
    24. Keep bones strong, dance along
    25. Know your density
    26. Prevent, protect, promote
    27. Shatter the myths, not your bones
    28. Stand firm, stand strong
    29. Stand tall, stand strong
    30. Strength in every step
    31. Strength in every stride
    32. Strong bones, happy life
    33. Strong bones, stronger life
    34. Osteoporosis: knowledge is power
    35. Strong inside out

    Popular Osteoporosis Awareness Quotes | National Osteoporosis Month

    1. “Osteoporosis is a disease that attacks the bones in your body. It happens to really almost everyone when they get really old. But for women, after menopause, they can lose up to 30 percent of their bone mass.” — Ann Richards
    2. “As we may know, osteoporosis affects around 10 million Americans, most of whom are over 55, and it is the cause of an estimated 1.5 million fractures annually.” — Lois Capps
    3. “Today osteoporosis affects more than 75 million people in the United States, Europe and Japan and causes more than 2.3 million fractures in the USA and Europe alone.” — Gro Harlem Brundtland
    4. “Although approximately 80% of osteoporosis sufferers are women, as the longevity of the male population increases, the disease will assume increasing importance in men.” — Gro Harlem Brundtland
    5. “Osteoporosis, as the third threat, is particularly attributable to women’s physiology” — Gro Harlem Brundtland
    6. “In addition to relieving patient suffering, research is needed to help reduce the enormous economic and social burdens posed by chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, cancer, heart disease, and stroke.” — Ike Skelton
    7. “National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month is celebrated each May, and becomes a chance for our Nation to become more familiar with the effects of this disease, and about the preventable steps that we can take to deal with it.” — Lois Capps

    1. “In recognising the global problem posed by osteoporosis, WHO sees the need for a global strategy for prevention and control of osteoporosis, focusing on three major functions: prevention, management and surveillance.” — Gro Harlem Brundtland
    2. “If we go into space, we need enhancements that handle radiation and osteoporosis… or else we’re dead. So, what seems like an enhancement in one generation becomes life and death in another generation.” — George M. Church
    3. “Ocean acidification is often referred to as osteoporosis of the oceans because as acidity rises, shell building creatures such as lobster, oyster, crab, shrimp, and coral are unable to extract the calcium carbonate from the water that they need to build their shells and are thus unable to survive.” — Philippe Cousteau, Jr.

    Alarming Quotes on the Causes of Osteoporosis

    1. “What particularly concerns me is the rise of osteoporosis in young people and its link with eating disorders.” — Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
    2. “The link between young girls, eating disorders and osteoporosis is a ticking time-bomb.” — Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
    3. “Such lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, little physical activity and low dietary calcium intake are risk factors for osteoporosis as well as for many other non-communicable diseases.” — Gro Harlem Brundtland
    4. “Diet sodas contain a chemical sweetener called Aspartame, which is a potent neurotoxin and endocrine disrupter. Another key ingredient of soft drinks is phosphoric acid, which is added to give it ‘bite.’ Phosphoric acid is well known to cause tooth rot, bone loss, osteoporosis and gastro intestinal distress.” — Prashant Bhushan
    5. “It’s important to understand that calcium isn’t just about what you eat; it’s also about what you keep. Acidic animal products mine minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium from our bodies. In fact, the countries that consume the most dairy have the highest rates of hip fracture and osteoporosis.” —Sharon Gannon
    6. “Elsewhere the paper notes that vegetarians and vegans (including athletes) ‘meet and exceed requirements’ for protein. And, to render the whole we-should-worry-about-getting-enough-protein-and-therefore-eat-meat idea even more useless, other data suggests that excess animal protein intake is linked with osteoporosis, kidney disease, calcium stones in the urinary tract, and some cancers. Despite some persistent confusion, it is clear that vegetarians and vegans tend to have more optimal protein consumption than omnivores.” — Jonathan Safran Foer

    1. “In fact, we would know ourselves that we are not meant to be meat eaters, and we would not have allowed ourselves to become conditioned to meat eating in the first place, if the effects of meat eating were felt right away. But since heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. usually take many years to develop, we are able to separate them from their cause (or contributing factors) and go on happily eating an animal-based diet.” — Sharon Gannon

    Useful Quotes to Prevent, Control and Treat Osteoporosis

    1. “Weight-bearing exercises can help ward off osteoporosis and yoga helps ward off arthritis.” — Raquel Welch
    2. “In fact, drinking milk and eating dairy products can rob your body of calcium and contribute to osteoporosis. If you eat dark green leafy vegetables like kale, collards, and mustard greens, you can get enough calcium from a vegan diet.” — Sharon Gannon
    3. “A plant-based diet is more likely to produce good health and to reduce sharply the risk of heart problems, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, gallstones, and kidney disease.” — T. Colin Campbell
    4. “Arctic-dwelling Eskimos have no choice but to eat large amounts of meat and animal fat. But let’s get our facts straight: according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Eskimos also have the highest incidences of heart disease and osteoporosis in the world and, in general, short life spans. Perhaps that is something to consider when we are faced with the choice of what to eat for dinner and unlike Eskimos most of us do have choices.” — Sharon Gannon
    5. “It’s a common myth that athletes and other highly active people need the protein from meat and dairy to fuel their activities and build and repair muscles and other bodily tissues. In fact, there is growing evidence that consumption of too much protein can lead to very serious health issues, including kidney disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. The active body can get all the protein it needs from a diverse, 100% plant-based diet.” — Sharon Gannon

    Funny Quotes on Osteoporosis

    1. “In Hollywood, you play a mom and instantly, you’ve got osteoporosis.” — Gabrielle Union
    2. “I developed osteoporosis of the personality. My thought processes became brittle.” — Mac O’Grady
    3. “(1) I have told you more than I know about osteoporosis. (2) What I have told you is subject to change without notice. (3) I hope I raised more questions than I have given answers. (4) In any case, as usual, a lot more work is necessary.” — Fuller Albright

    Calendar: World Osteoporosis Awareness Days

    May-Full MonthNational Osteoporosis Month
    4 AugustBone and Joint day
    12-20 OctoberBone and Joint Health Action Week
    19 OctoberWorld Pediatric Bone and Joint Day
    20 OctoberWorld Osteoporosis Day


    Thanks for reading. Hope you liked my collection. Do you have any suggestions, experiences or innovative ideas to share? They would be super helpful!

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