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101+ Bipolar Disorder / Maniac Depression Slogans & Quotes

    There are many quotes, taglines, captions and slogans available on Bipolar Disorder / Maniac Depression Awareness online. I have shortlisted a few good awareness slogans and quotes to save your time and energy. Here they are!  

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    Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive illness or manic depression is a mental illness that causes extreme shifts in a person’s mood, energy, activity levels, and concentration.

    Bipolar Disorder / Maniac Depression Awareness Slogans, Taglines & Captions | World Bipolar Day 

    1. Bipolar Disorder: Help, don’t judge
    2. Break the stigma, embrace understanding
    3. Talk it out
    4. Fight stigma, increase the awareness
    5. Daily stress can leave your health in a mess
    6. In every mood, we stand united
    7. Celebrate uniqueness, promote understanding: bipolar awareness
    8. Educate, empower, eradicate stigma
    9. United for mental health
    10. Mastering the art of extreme emotions
    11. My bipolar palette includes all shades of crazy
    12. Bipolar energy levels: from couch potato to superhero in 0.5 seconds
    13. Today’s mood – still figuring it out!
    14. Every day is a surprise party i throw for myself
    15. Mood swings: my cardio exercise for the day
    16. Bipolar brain: where thoughts perform acrobatics without a safety net
    17. Predictability is overrated
    18. Mastering the art of embracing chaos with a smile
    19. Break the silence, break the stigma
    20. Understanding minds, supporting lives
    21. Empathy matters. Stand up for bipolar disorder awareness
    22. United for mental health. Embrace bipolar disorder awareness
    23. See the person, not the condition
    24. Knowledge heals. Support bipolar disorder awareness
    25. Bipolar disorder awareness: End the silence, start the conversation
    26. Mental health matters
    27. Healthy mind, healthy body
    28. Don’t hesitate, just communicate
    29. Don’t be ashamed of Bipolar Disorder
    30. We are there for you

    1. Don’t ignore your mental health
    2. Afraid of your own mind? Get help
    3. Let’s accept it as a medical condition and not as social stigma
    4. Bipolar Disorder is not a choice, but recovery is
    5. Mental illness is not a personal failure
    6. Never be a slave of your own thoughts
    7. Therapy helps
    8. The battle in your mind is never-ending… Keep fighting
    9. There is no shame in taking medication for mental illness
    10. They say mental illness is invisible, but it can be seen in you
    11. What love and care can do, medicines cannot

    Popular Quotes on Bipolar disorder / Manic depression

    1. “Evidence is strongly suggesting Bipolar Disorder – previously known as Manic Depression – may be dramatically increasing in modern society.” — Gordon Parker
    2. “Bipolar disorder can be a great teacher. It’s a challenge, but it can set you up to be able to do almost anything else in your life.” — Carrie Fisher
    3. “I think people don’t understand how intimately tied suicide is to mental illness, particularly to depressive illness and bipolar illness.” — Kay Redfield Jamison
    4. Bipolar indicates that you’re not – you don’t just experience depression, but the mood swing goes up, and it can go very up.” — Patty Duke
    5. “We say that one gets cancer, or a cold, or kidney disease. One would never think to say that one is cancer. But we say that one is depressed, or bipolar, or schizophrenic. A disease of the body is a condition. But a disease of the mind, we think, is a state of being. We no longer believe, as we did 250 years ago, that the mentally ill are animals, but we are not yet ready to grant that they are fully human either.” — Paul Gruchow
    6. “Manic depression distorts moods and thoughts, incites dreadful behaviors, destroys the basis of rational thought, and too often erodes the desire and will to live.” — Kay Redfield Jamison
    7. “The point about manic depression or bipolar disorder, as it’s now more commonly called, is that it’s about mood swings. So, you have an elevated mood. When people think of manic depression, they only hear the word depression. They think one’s a depressive. The point is, one’s a manic-depressive.” — Stephen Fry

    1. “People with bipolar disorder have difficulty with boundaries.” — Claire Danes
    2. “One of things so bad about depression and bipolar disorder is that if you don’t have prior awareness, you don’t have any idea what hit you.” — Kay Redfield Jamison
    3. “Being both more systematically brutal than chimps and more empathetic than bonobos, we are by far the most bipolar ape. Our societies are never completely peaceful, never completely competitive, never ruled by sheer selfishness, and never perfectly moral.” — Frans de Waal
    4. “Living with bipolar, schizophrenia or any other mental condition takes a recognition that one has a chronic condition that needs managing. The management can be through pharmaceutical intervention, talk therapy, mindfulness programmes, diet and exercise changes, all kinds of things.” — Stephen Fry
    5. “SpongeBob is a good role model as far as imaginary creatures go. He works hard and his emotional highs are very high, he’s either giddy or utterly devastating and crying like a lawnsprinkler… SpongeBob is bipolar.” — Tom Kenny
    6. “The Hulk, a being of pure tortured id, bipolar mania unbound, sprung from the subconscious of a repressed, scientist with a dark childhood.” — Max Landis
    7. “Several politicians and wives of politicians have been public about their experiences with depression or bipolar illness, including Lawton Chiles, Patrick Kennedy, Tipper Gore and Kitty Dukakis. Each made a tremendous difference by doing so.” — Kay Redfield Jamison
    8. “Bipolar disorder is so swept under the rug as a nation and, I think especially, by black people. It’s not our culture to go get therapy. ‘Give them medicine for what?’ We put people in court, put them in court again, versus really paying attention to what it is they are going through.” — Trai Byers

    1. “These diseases, both alcoholism and addiction, much like bipolar or depression and different illnesses, are still not seen as real diseases. People shy away from seeking help because it’s viewed as being somewhat morally off the path, that they’ve lost their way.” — Jim Irsay
    2. “Bipolar disorder is a mood system that functions like the weather. It’s independent of the things that happen in your life. I have problems, but they don’t have me!” — Carrie Fisher
    3. “You know how most illnesses have symptoms you can recognize? Like fever, upset stomach, chills, whatever. Well, with manic depression, it’s sexual promiscuity, excessive spending, and substance abuse—and that just sounds like a fantastic weekend in Vegas to me!” — Carrie Fisher

    Emotional Experiences & Quotes on Bipolar disorder / Manic depression

    1. “Manic depression is a frustratin’ mess.” — Jimi Hendrix
    2. “I can’t be normal. I’m probably bipolar.” — Lil Peep
    3. “I never found out until I went into treatment that I was bipolar.” — Demi Lovato “I have had manic-depressive illness, also known as bipolar disorder, since I was 18 years old. It is an illness that ensures that those who have it will experience a frightening, chaotic and emotional ride. It is not a gentle or easy disease.” — Kay Redfield Jamison
    4. “Bipolar depression really got my life off track, but today I’m proud to say I am living proof that someone can live, love, and be well with bipolar disorder when they get the education, support and treatment they need.” — Demi Lovato
    5. “Sometimes when you have bipolar you have days you are grumpy and not feeling yourself.” — Frank Bruno
    6. “Because of my bipolar disorder, I tend to these mixed states, which are depressed but loud and agitated. So I can be terribly irritable. I go to cognitive behavioral therapy in order not to yell at my children.” — Ayelet Waldman
    7. “My recovery from manic depression has been an evolution, not a sudden miracle.” — Patty Duke
    8. “I had developed manic depression [bipolar disorder] … and the main symptoms the constant voice in the head telling you to kill yourself.” — Sinead O’Connor
    9. “Part of the frustration of being bipolar is people don’t understand what it feels like.” — Alice Ripley
    10. “I don’t find anything upsetting or gross or degrading about fighting with a mental illness: Bipolar or Schizophrenia.” — Kangana Ranaut
    11. “Being bipolar is a huge exaggeration of your emotions. You can be pretty high and also terribly low, so I’ve been through it all.” — Margaret Trudeau

    1. “I have people in my family with bipolar disorder, and for years I’ve watched them struggle with the disorder’s extreme moods and often devastating consequences.” — Jenna Blum
    2. “The truth is I was suffering from bipolar disorder. It went on for 18 months, during which I changed four doctors, the medication wasn’t working on me, and crazy things were happening.” — Yo Yo Honey Singh
    3. “I had cut myself off from everyone. I didn’t come out of my room, forget stepping out of the house. I had a beard, and I didn’t get a haircut for months. For someone who has performed in front of a crowd of 20,000, I was scared of facing 4-5 people. That’s what bipolar disorder does to you.” — Yo Yo Honey Singh
    4. “My father, Eric, was bipolar and as he got older, his illness affected the family more and more. My mother was magnificent in protecting my brothers and sisters from his illness.” — Rick Stein
    5. “If you have a friend or a family member who’s bipolar, or has panic attack disorder, or is depressed, read up on it a little bit so you can get to know where they’re coming from.” — Eric Millegan
    6. “If you know people who are suicidal, or if you know people who are bipolar, depressed, have panic attack disorder, just be there for them. They’re going through something that’s very, very hard.” — Eric Millegan

    1. “I’m not the kind of person who likes to shout out my personal issues from the rooftops, but with my bipolar becoming public, I hope fellow sufferers will know it’s completely controllable. I hope I can help remove any stigma attached to it, and that those who don’t have it under control will seek help with all that is available to treat it.” — Catherine Zeta-Jones
    2. “If my revelation of having bipolar II has encouraged one person to seek help, then it is worth it. There is no need to suffer silently and there is no shame in seeking help.” — Catherine Zeta-Jones
    3. “The smartest thing I did was to stop going online. I’m the sort of person who will just look for the negative – Michael really can’t understand it, but that’s just the way I am. And with my bipolar thing, that’s poison. So I just stopped. Cold turkey. And it’s so liberating.” — Catherine Zeta-Jones
    4. “I’m bipolar, but I’m not crazy, and I never was. I’m stark raving sane.” — Emilie Autumn
    5. “I have not been an easygoing guy. I think it’s called bipolar manic depression. I’ve got a rich history of that in my family.” — Ben Stiller
    6. “So, when I was 24, someone suggested to me that I was bipolar, and I thought that was ridiculous. I just thought he was trying to get out of treating me. But he was also responding to the chaotic nature of my life.” — Carrie Fisher

    1. “I learned that I suffered from bipolar II disorder, a less serious variant of bipolar I, which was once known as manic depression. The information was naturally frightening; up to 1 in 5 people with bipolar disorder will commit suicide, and rates may even be higher for those suffering from bipolar II.” — Ayelet Waldman
    2. “Manic depression’s touching my soul. I know what I want, but I just don’t know how to go about getting it.” — Jimi Hendrix
    3. “I want people to see the beauty of that condition through the eyes of the characters. In doing that, they can allow people who have the condition to be more accepting of it, and to be open about it. That would be a contribution to the people who have it, and considering that 38% of the Pulitzer Prize winning poets are Bipolar, to think about how much these individuals have contributed to the human spirit.” — Paul Dalio
    4. “There are times when I think being bipolar gives me the ability to see and want and write things that other people cannot and do not. One of those is writing. Creativity is something that co-presents with bipolarity. There are other times when being bipolar legitimately sucks and leads you to a point where you want to kill yourself. Very odd thing when your brain which, evolutionarily speaking, should want you to survive is telling you to die.” — Haroon Moghul
    5. “Being bipolar and an addict and an alcoholic I have to keep myself very busy. I don’t sleep. I am lucky if I get three hours of sleep a night, and so I get up, and my head is full of slamming doors.” — David Feherty

    1. “Bipolar disorder, manic depression, depression, black dog, whatever you want to call it, is inherent in our society. It’s a product of stress and in my case over-work.” — Adam Ant
    2. “I’m really quite bipolar, and the depressed times, when everything felt like night, sometimes you get to such a low point that you physically beat at it until it bleeds – as you would say – bleeds till sunshine.” — David Bowie
    3. “I have a type of bipolar that swings up and down all day long. There are significant mood swings within a day, within a week, within a month. I go through at least four major episodes a year. That’s really the definition of bipolar rapid cycle. But I have ultra-rapid, so I have tiny little episodes all day long.” — Marya Hornbacher
    4. “Having waited my entire life to get an award for something, anything…I now get awards all the time for being mentally ill. It’s better than being bad at being insane, right? How tragic would it be to be runner-up for Bipolar Woman of the Year?” — Carrie Fisher
    5. “[Carrie Fisher] could talk about issues that very few people could. She could make her bipolar disorder both real and entertaining. Carrie deserves a lot of credit for giving voice to traumas that few people feel comfortable talking about.” — Tony Taccone
    6. “I get lots of awards for being mentally ill. Apparently, I am better at being mentally ill than almost anything else I’ve ever done. Seriously – I have a shelf of awards for being bipolar.” — Carrie Fisher

    1. “When I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder the year I turned 50, it was certainly a shock. But as a journalist, knowing a little bit about a lot of things, I didn’t suffer the misconception that depression was all in my head or a mark of poor character. I knew it was a disease, and, like all diseases, was treatable.” — Jane Pauley
    2. “I don’t want to be caught … ashamed of anything. And because generally someone who has bipolar doesn’t have just bipolar, they have bipolar, and they have a life and a job and a kid and a hat and parents, so its not your overriding identity, it’s just something that you have, but not the only thing – even if it’s quite a big thing.” — Carrie Fisher
    3. “Manic depression’s touching my soul. I know what I want, but I just don’t know how to go about getting it.” — Jimi Hendrix
    4. “I wish I had never got manic depression. When I was in junior high, I didn’t know what was the matter with me. It was as if I’d died or something. Now that I go to a clinic and get the right kind of medicine, I am not as depressed as I used to be.” — Daniel Johnston
    5. “Because I teach and write about depression and bipolar illness, I am often asked what is the most important factor in treating bipolar disorder. My answer is competence. Empathy is important, but competence is essential.” — Kay Redfield Jamison

    1. “I have two moods. One is Roy, rollicking Roy, the wild ride of a mood. And Pam, sediment Pam, who stands on the shore and sobs…. Sometimes the tide is in, sometimes it’s out.” — Carrie Fisher
    2. “At times, being bipolar can be an all-consuming challenge, requiring a lot of stamina and even more courage, so if you’re living with this illness and functioning at all, it’s something to be proud of, not ashamed of. They should issue medals along with the steady stream of medication.” — Carrie Fisher
    3. “Having waited my entire life to get an award for something, I now get awards all the time for being mentally ill.… I’m apparently very good at it.” — Carrie Fisher


    Thanks for reading. Hope you liked my collection. Do you have any suggestions, experiences or innovative ideas to share? They would be super helpful!

    If you see anything that needs to be removed / updated or added, please feel free to drop your comments below. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!

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